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Also if you would make fun of the Mormons in any video EVER, I would probably create an altar to you and pray to it every night.


Seriously, like... if you just webcammed yourself saying "Mormons suck." and sending it to me then you would find that you had 1 more worshiper than you did yesterday.


(I live in Utah. That's all I need to say.)

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"...but it's possible down the line I may try and port the content over to a more animation-friendly engine down the line."

What about the Scumm Engine of Monkey Island 2? Tha would be AWESOME!!! XD

Anyway, if you need it I have an old ATI Radeon X800 GTO, which never gave me problems of overheat, I just changed it with a HD4850 because it was tool old... It's PCI-E, but it has only Pixel Shader 2.0b. Make me know if you're interested.

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I really like Civil Protection and Freeman's Mind. I wish Source was compliant enough for you to continue making CP...I could understand how annoying it must be for a side-project to explode and overshadow you're primary work. I eagerly look forward to whatever you put out next.

- Deadeas

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Great to hear you got an okay card. Take your time with the animating also. I know how long it takes. I map/animate when I'm bored and it takes forever to get it looking good, so I know how you feel. Take your time and get everything back on track before you start working again. Real Life comes first. Good luck, and thanks for the entertainment.

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"Sacrificial" FM episode? I hope that doesn't mean you're going to skimp on the quality of FM just to buy time...

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Man I love FM more then CP that said I still like them both. . . . IF I had the money I would help you out but I can't so I will wish you the best of luck and thank you for what you have done so far. Take your time and do it right that is my motto. If it takes you another month so be it.

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Glad to get some update on the situation. Shame about that graphics card though and those many source engine problems. However no matter the graphical quality or the release times I think I will always enjoy the unique humor that Freeman's Mind and Civil Protection posess. So no wories on when you release it or how it looks just make it how you make it and when you make it because the communtiy will always appreciate the humor of the series.

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I'm gonna replace my desktop PC for a laptop soon, and after reading ur post, I could mail my graphics card to you. It is a NVIDIA 9600 GT. I'll contact you via your Gmail

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I know you'll think im a jerk for not telling you this, when you get those artifacts a cooler won't help it does mean that the card is fried.......same thing just happened to me. try sending it in to the manufacturer they should fix it for free.(mine do)

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okay sorry if someone already said this before but there is a rumour that HL2 episode 3 will be ditching the old source engine and valve are making a new, more awesome one with updated graphics etc. well i heard it somewhere but can't remember where...

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Holy shit, I can't believe these comments. From guys telling you what to do, to guys saying Valve are faster (BULLSHIT) to guys trying to blow their own horn talking about how they took a psychology class once just so they could learn how to state the obvious... I had to stop reading there.


This is why you shouldn't accept donations. Too many people (even more than now) will start thinking you owe them and that you have to do what they say, and you might even feel obliged to take their unreasonable demands seriously. If you are taking donations you should make it clear that these are still your shows and it's none of these people's business how you do things. They should be glad they get these shows (and news updates) at all.


What a bunch of dickheads, man!

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the anon above me has made a good point

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Hey if it gets too stressful take a day off bro... Any besides there are plenty of other stuff on the internet that can hold us off. Take A Break... No One Will Ever Know...



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Man, I can't imagine the undue hardship valve must have put onto itself for making animation such a complicated process...maybe they'll simplify their animation process in their next engine update...or make it even more complicated, which I fear may happen...

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It's good news you have another graphics card but with the donations part, if you do add it it will give you a good boost. But you shouldn't have to listen to the impatient whiners that say "I HAZ GIVE YOU MY MONIEZ!!11!1 GIVE ME BETTAR STUF THAN OTHER PEOPLEZ!!1!". A donation is like charity, it's the same thing the fans can give you money, graphic cards etc. And shouldnt expect anything back but you to be less frustrated.


You should put an announcement along with your donation tab (if you decide to make one) saying:

"If you are willing to donate, note this that I will get FM, and CP slightly quicker, but I will not do requests people will make to me just for donating, if you are donating, then I do give a big thanks. But I can't and wont do requests people want just to be special or better than everyone else."


So it could be a good idea to set up a donation tab but make a note saying that you WONT do requests people make to be better than others. Stand up and take action Ross. You are 1000x better than they are, hell even more. I know sometimes Source can be a bitch and just plain tries to annoy you. But take your time and make the CP episode count. I would donate myself if I could, but i'm broke. Keep on making awesome movies, Ross.


Good luck!

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Actually, talking about donations, and referring to the post above... I wouldn't even recommend saying, that the episodes are going to come out faster. My recommendation is somewhere along these lines: "If you like, what I've produced, or might produce in the future, you can send me your thanks". And that's pretty much it. No real commitment. I really would hate to see the whiners coming back at Ross, for not providing them with enough fun for the money, that they (probably never) paid. No one likes additional pressure.


I think that's one of the main reasons, why there is no donation button thus far.

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Keep up the good work! Its worth the wait! U should make the freemans episodes to a dvd when the game is finished, and ad it to iTunes so i can buy it. Then go half life 2! =D Love your vork! Thx for all the fun, best wishes, swedish man working in Norway for the summer. Tobias k.

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Thanks for all you've done Ross I love your animation and i think that they are worth the wait!

Thanks for all you've done.


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You should try to bake your old video card, it might repair it and allow you to continue to use it


I did it with my laptop card (2 of them actually) and they both work fine now. You should def try it. At best your card will work again for a period of time (and then you can re-bake it when it stops working again) and at worst, you will be right where you are right now.


if you want I can find you some links on how to do it



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I hope you can fix your problem with video card, and if you have the time, add a donate button so us fans can give you stuff you can use like equipment for your comp. and such...


Good Luck

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