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A new animation program? I do not know a lot (OK, anything) about animation in the source engine, but wouldn't switching to a new program change the way Mike and Dave look and move? Or can you port the models directly from the game Half Life 2?

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Hey Ross. Good to hear from you. Please don't mind all the comments hurrying you up. Your work is art. Nothing less. And if it takes a long time to complete, so be it.


In that regard, please (PLEASE) allow us to become patrons of the arts... and put up a donation system. You've provided us with hours of quality entertainment. Now please... help us help you.




P.S. Kudos to the viewers that are sending you their cards.

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Hey Ross, I'm a big fan of your work and as someone who's worked with Source and animation in general, I feel your pain while you're trying to import animations and such into the Source engine. Valve did not design it with usability in mind.


When you have the chance, I highly recommend importing stuff over to the UDK engine - it's a hell of a lot easier (I speak from experience) and putting stuff together in matinee is so much more simple than what Source has to offer. Feel free to check it out.

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I need my fix! FM or CP - any of those will do! ))

You do great job Scott! Thank you for your time, efforts and your humor to make us smile watching these series.


Your fan.


P.S. the idea to add a donate button is not a bad one.

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I don't understand peoples frustration really. I started watching Freemands Mind a few months back, but tonight I finally watched Civil Protection and I had to watch most of the episodes 3 or 4 times for the laughs alone. And decided to sign up. It's got to be hard fitting this kind of stuff into your schedule, so thanks for all the effort you put into making your fans happy!

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Maybe it's a good idea to send a letter to valve to let them know how inconvinient their Source engine is, so that next time they release hl3 or hl2:ep3 (whatever) they make source engine more usable. You have hundreds of thousands of views of every episode of your vids, civil protection is a pretty fancy project in itself. Maybe they'll listen. The do pay attention to fans' creative work (look up 'Escape from city 17' vid on youtube, when Valve saw it they flew the creators to Seattle to meet with them).


best wishes



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That is great Ross, do the best you can with the next Freemans mind episode and i hope it is funnier and better then the last one. I figure you have fun with that, but i can see that you are happy at the other hand. So it will be a good episode which will make us happy too. Thanks!!!

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Take your time if you need it. I think your popularity comes from your excellent work and not rushing. Long live Ross Scott!

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Hey ross


I LOVE your shows that you make. Take your time with everything! As you said before "neutralizing viewer frustration, that's impossible" So in the end whether you take a week or months some people will still be frustrated.


And I gotta say if you think the quality of your work will be less because of a component out of your control: then just wait until it will be in your control. I'd rather wait a year for a mind blowing episode then wait a week and get a episode with only half the quality!

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Well its good to see that you're making the videos again. Good luck!

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is the episode of CP that your making gonna be scary? good luck on every thing ross!

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Wow you people need to really loosen up, you all are lucky you have any episodes at all with how busy Ross is with his life on top of all of this. Ross I for one don't mind the wait, I have waited for things way longer than this, unlike for most of you seem to act.

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Good to hear things are starting to look up for ya.

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Whether it's an update or a new episode, I'm just glad you haven't dropped off the face of the planet. The stuff you make is one of the few things I find entertaining on the net.

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Ross, I know your hesitant about putting up a donation button because you think that you would have to do more for us to make us happy. If were the ones asking for it, than give us what we want!


Your a good guy for not wanting to take our money without giving us something in return, but you would be even more awesome if you were back to making more Freeman's Mind and Civil Protection because of donations. Think about it!


Hope to not sound like a troll,


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Awesome Ross! Thanks for the update. I'm sure the wait will be worth it, as you have never let us down! good luck!

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Greeting's Ross.

I've been watching and telling people about your episode's of FM and CP , me and those who watched them like them alot, im not asking you jsut cause of a crowd cheering ya up you should work like 24/7 , take your time , the sugestion's other make with the donation button would be awesome i mean it would certainly help both side's.Untill then

Dear Ross

Please make more of this,

Love Miha

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If did a whole episode with stills of stick figures and voice overs, I would probably still watch that shit.


Just letting you know.

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How in the hell haven't you exploded on these impatient whiners yet? I know they are oblivious to the fact that it takes -extremely- long to animate ANYTHING (even though you explain why right there in the goddamn post), but you shouldn't just take it like you do.


I know you have to be nice to your fan-base but if they are making retarded demands, then I believe they deserve to be smitten. Or at least give them a nice post saying "Hey! Impatient people: How about you go make your own decently successful series and see how long it takes to churn out quality videos."


OR perhaps a simple "FUCK YOU" would suffice.


Maybe you should require a login to comment when you finally renovate the site so as to avoid the anon "WHAAAT? No FM and no CP up yet?! PHAAAIIILLL!!!!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL". It might be a slight bit of extra hassle for your viewers but it is definitely a good way of 1) sorting out REAL fans who really wouldn't mind the extra 10-30 seconds to create an account*, and 2) cutting down on the wait-whiners.


*I'm not counting the trolls that will inevitably create accounts just to spam "U SUK ROSSSS!", because that's going to happen regardless.

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