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first of all i wanted to say that your videos are hilarious and i enjoy them very much. But i also want to give you my look on peak oil. Im in my last year of studies in civil engineering where i follow the master Energy.


The first thing i want to address is that oil will never run out thanks to supply and demand. When oil gets scarser the oil companies will have to use more expensive sources and their prices will rise. This means more people will try to find alternatives (go by train or organise going to work together to safe fuel) and the demand will fall. This process will be a gradually one as there are abundant expensive resources available. Did you know that now, while the prices are still low, oil companies leave i believe 1/3 or 1/4 of oil in oil wells because its too expensive to pump it up (by then the pressure is gone)? As the prices rise the investments in research for alternatives will go up and these alternatives will become more effective. Now to make this mechanism work, its always better to research in advance so the cost and time spend on future research is lower and that is where the government must interfere because a capitalistic market on its own won't do that. Although prices can also rise for a fear of future oil shortage through speculation as we saw in the previous years.


As for alternatives for electricity you have the wind and solar energy sources. The big problem with both of them is that they are unpredictable so they must have a backup power plant that can deliver the electricity if the wind or sun goes away. That plant cannot be nuclear as they start very slowly (startup time is 6 hours), so those plants must use fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal). There is much research to decreasing the risk (eg by connecting wind power throughout Europe in my case) and to increase effectiveness.


Then there is nuclear energy where at least in Europe the attention is returning because of its zero emissions. In Europe they are building the first big prototype of a nuclear fusion power plant which would have much less nuclear waste. The problem with nuclear is the high investment costs and the long building times (i believe it took 10 years). Due to those, companies are reluctant to invest in them. That and the public opinion is why research is so slow.


Gas is also a good alternative as gas power plants have a very high effectiveness (60% by now). But the problem with it in Euope is that we need to get gas from russia, africa and the middle-east and that makes us dependant on them. Also gas is not an unlimited resource and must be replaced too at some point.


As for road traffic the first step will be hybrid cars which uses a normal combustion engine in combination with an electric motor and batteries. The goal is to let the normal engine run at times when the effectiveness of the engine is high and at other times it relies on the electric motor. In that way use of fosil fuel will be greatly reduced. After that there will probably be cars running only on electricity but then the batteries are the bottleneck as they are very heavy, they refill slowly and they have a low lifetime. As for hydrogen cars: they are probably not the future as their efficiency is too low. Hydrogen is not a natural resource and 50% of the energy is already lost in creating the hydrogen with electricity.


In short: you shouldnt be too concerned about the future. The prices of oil and probably gas will rise significantly in the upcoming decennia (not 2015) so our way of life will change. There are alternatives but they will be less flexible than oil fueled systems so we must adjust. For example not to expect to always have electricity during the day. But uther chaos is one thing that won't happen so rest assured

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Surrender Freemen. All Freemen, not just the one Freeman.

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hey guys ian has finished posting the q and a its on his chanal iramightypiret go see it its awsome

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BEST YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the best part is when he sees his name on the walls.

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I thought guys with your kind of humor made alots of money.

put freemans mind on dvd later! =D I will buy it!

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Hey, I have just bought Half-Life

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Great episode. They just keep getting better and better.


As for saving the planet, I must only quote George Carlin - "The planet is fine. The people are fucked."

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Ha, don't be too worried yet: I know someone who's convinced his imagination is trying to kill him. You've a ways to go yet...

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Wow, people seem to just look trough your news posts, notice " new episode" and then "oil crisis" and comment on that half-assed basis. And no one from previous naysayers answered yet. If ever they will.


mrbucketbot - if you cared to read properly you would notice he's not trying to save planet, geez

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does anyone else find it strange we are arguing about oil on a website for a fucking machinima? anybody?

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No, it's cool. ;3 It was mentioned in the news, wasn't it? So I don't see anything strange about talking about it. And RS himself is interested about it. Comments are as good as place as any other to discuss ;3 And it's not like they're taking place for something more interesting.

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@ Anonymous at 20:08:16,


It's either that or people complaining how long it takes for Ross to finish his movies, pick your favorite.

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So, is it a developer error that the "Surrender Freemen" with an E in Men, and the other message says "Freeman" with the A. Again, developer error?

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I strongly doubt that, person above me.

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very nice work on the latest FM episode Ross, This has got to be one of the best episodes I've seen in a long time. Keep up the excellent work man!

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Was the Mailman part a reference to the G-Man?


Also, don't let the oil thing get to you. I can tell you, there have been so many times that I've been scared shitless about things like that (including that) to where I actually feel nauseated.


Hell, once I didn't even go outside for a while because of some damn pollution thing I read. Dumbass me.


~ Le' Moe

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any one know how he makes his gun do more damage?

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@ Person above the person above me:


I don't think he makes his gun do more damage, however I am very certain that he uses God mode.


Still, I haven't found anywhere were he has actually said it... I may use this.... Goo.... Google thingymajig you whippersnappers are talking about. For this matter. Of finding where he said it. Yeah.

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