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Well after a short period of me being completely unaware the video had already been posted, here's the next episode of Freeman's Mind. Again, this is just kind of a stopgap material to tide you guys over while I keep working on Civil Protection. This is exactly the sort of situation Freeman's Mind was created for in the first place. It's sort of a mutation that's it's become as popular as it has. Once I finish the next CP episode, I promise to make a large batch of FM episodes to make up for all the time I've been spending on CP.


This episode did take more audio editing than usual. Audio editor Otto Beumelburg sent me a screenshot of all the volume balancing work he did for the episode. I thought that was interesting, so I'm posting that below. While I originally did everything myself, nowadays he does about 95% or more of volume mixing and extra sound effects for the series. I've been pretty happy with his work and it definitely saves me some time.



At some point I hope to make a giant chart illustrating all the steps that go into Freeman's Mind and Civil Protection, but that can wait until I finish the next episode. I'll start on FM 29 as soon as I'm done with the animation work for CP. I'm still behind on replying to emails, getting more subtitles up, and getting revisions done to the website, but I haven't forgotten about any of that.



Personal Notes:


It's likely I may be moving again in a couple weeks to a location with even cheaper rent, so that may disrupt things for a little bit. I'm also starting to relate to Freeman in that sense that I'm growing increasingly paranoid about the peak oil crisis that I believe is coming (see Civil Protection: Oil's Well for more info on that). Even though I've previously considered people like this a little crazy, I'm leaning towards joining some survivalist community for when everything goes to hell. I probably won't get to it for at least another year and even then, I'll keep making more videos as long as civilization exists. Nobody really knows what will happen, but based on information I've been reading, I think we'll start seeing big trouble around 2015. I think a zombie apocalypse would be easier to prepare for than what I think is actually coming. Enjoy!

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Woot-woot!!! (2nd post calls for double-woot)

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This has also been posted to Machinima.com, not just YouTube.

Oh, and great work, easily your best episode.

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And there was much rejoicing!............yay.......

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thanks Ross a lot!

let's hope you can finish the tunnel soon

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Great episode, had me laughing out loud.


Hope Civil Protection is coming along though, as I personally prefer that series.

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Good times Ross. Keep it up!

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Wow, you're really losing your mind mate.

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Well that was a nice episode although it occured to me you used a lot of "Fucks", more than you used in other episodes, or is that just me?

And please, will you complete Freemans's mind before you're going to hide in some cave and try to survive wild fantasies?

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Sweet man, loved it.

Can't wait for more, this series has been great so far and probably will be to the end.


I'm probably not the only one who hasn't played the original Half-Life, and is watching this as a sort of playthrough but with much more.

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COl. ross skott - super man ))

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To celebrate impending doom I gonna watch this FM on YouTube and not wait till download button will appear. Also, I love apocalyptic talks like that Though I live in Poland and we are something I could call 2.5 world country. We aren't small or at the end of the world. But our current economical/political/etc. situation(that actually hasn't changed at all for twenty years since end of communism) makes us pretty unaffected to any economical cataclysms of the world. Of course prices would fly to moon but it's doubtful we'll get America's level of riots and other bad things. Buuut, if anyone would want to invade us... yep, we're fucked.


I love that volume scrrenshot. Shows how much work just the sound need. Maybe some people will stop complaining for a while.

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Everyone who thinks I'm crazy: I am taking a radical stance, and it may seem crazy since things are more or less fine right now. I've done a lot of research on this topic. I'm not interested in arguing about how likely this is, I see it only a question of when. If you're uninformed on the topic of peak oil, I recommend watching the documentary "The End of Suburbia." If you just think I'm crazy regardless, well it shouldn't affect the videos much.


Anonymous at 01:05:17: The amount of language is usually proportional to how much stress Freeman is under and how much grief the soldiers are giving him. I don't plan to hide in a cave, I plan to relocate somewhere that will have internet access and I can keep making these, but will be prepared if things go badly. I want our current level of society to keep going as it is as much as anyone. I love making movies, it beats the hell out of growing your own food.


Mick: I think parts of Europe are better situated to handle an oil collapse, America is probably in the worst position.

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Don't worry about the oil crisis - there is still plenty left. As the price goes up more reserves become economical to produce. Then there is gas (as in the natural gas) - which is even more abundant.


I would only worry about the oil collapse in the sense that there may be a rapid demand fall off due to alternative energy sources becoming more competitive and a lot of the existing oil infrastructure will become redundant - with the correspondent readjustment of the economy, employment etc. But this isn't going to happen any time soon either...


We still have some juice left for humanity to get its act together and explore the rest of the Solar System properly - and when you get to the gas giants you get unlimited supply of hydrocarbons (enough to go to the stars, perhaps).

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Wow, that screenshot is quite impressive. I assume the outer boundary on each track represents the volume envelope, and each of those points is manually placed! I can see why it's good to have someone else do that part.

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