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Source engine rant + Freeman's Mind update

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so this is the 20 min episode you talked about a while back then? the tunnel? karanjhalaguy

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I don't know how you make your videos, i have not seen your tutorials, but do you use Garry's Mod? If not that may or may not be more efficient.

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Ross, I am very angry with you.


At 2006, I said to you "Wouldn't it be cool if someone did the mind of Gordon Freeman because there isn't any cutscenes?" You said "I should make one. And I'll credit you"


But you didn't fucking give me credit. This is so bullshit. I'm never going to be your friend. Thanks for stealing my fucking idea.


- Daniel Forge

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Anonymous at 02:13:32: I like Civil Protection and I have many, many ideas for it, as I do with ideas for other original series. The only way I would put CP on hold permanently would be is if I was working in another engine that was much, much better and fleshing out new ideas for that. Freeman's Mind has a very limiting format and is much more half-assed and just something I keep going to keep fans happy. The fact that it's more popular doesn't really impact what I'd prefer to be working on. If I was going to drop any series, it would be Freeman's Mind (don't worry, I'm not). Not that I consider what I do art, but a good analogy to this is an artist having an innate desire to paint an original mural on a canvas v. doing lots of paint-by-number drawings that he can get out faster.


Yuma310: I plan to roll that out eventually, I want the website fixed up more first. And yes, if I ever got loads of money, I would absolutely spend it on getting my more ambitious ideas created and what the best way to go about that would be. I've been brainstorming about that a lot lately actually.


Anonymous at 01:46:23: Well I think the deal is I can relate to my fans in that I'm just as frustrated as many of they are in that I can't produce videos faster. It's not just time to ensure quality, I don't want to rush that; it's that there are a LOT of efficiency barriers. Also I'm already aware of the many shortcomings in the videos I've already done.


karanjhalaguy: No, that's a different one that's still unfinished. This one will probably be at least 15 minutes though.


Daniel Forge: Dude, you're either very confused or else you're lying. The first video I made was in late 2006 and there wasn't much of a fanbase until much later. I never said the words you're quoting me on, I came up with the idea for FM independently, and I just doublechecked my email accounts only to find I've never received an email from someone named Daniel Forge. So which is it? Are you confusing this with a dream you had or are you lying? By all means, present any "evidence" to your claim. I normally don't encourage trolls, but this is such an easy claim to disprove.

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Nice to hear that Ross is still kicking and working on his projects. If only other people were so serious about their work...

I am actually quite surprised myself that you still work on civil protection, with FM being such a runaway succes and being initially considered just a sideshow. With that amount of work however, have you considered getting someone to help you in your projects, or is is exclusively a solo work? I'm not proposing myself at all, I have no clue when it comes to animation or videos.

Kepp up the good work and take as much time as you need.

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I would like to say that you are doing a very good job, and shouldn't stress about us as much. You deserve a break too right? You produce episodes of very good quality. I would rather you take a day off every once in a while and produce at your own rate, not ours. This will make you happier and you will then produce better films that make us happier. As for the source, I can't help as that engine is all i know.

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Ugh, sounds very tedious and obviously time consuming. This might be why EPISODE 3 is taking FOR-FREAKING-EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not to mention Black Mesa Source taking FOR-FREAKING-EVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looks like there'd be a more intuitive, visual way to animate. I guess that would make too much sense.


Sorry you're having so much difficulty but great to hear that more FM is coming. I'm all giddy!!!!!

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It's good to have so many ideas. Better than running dry for content! Jot them all down and toss the ones concerning pigeons and go for the ones that are going to wow viewers!! JK about the pigeons. well, maybe not. That one stunk so bad it made Right Guard turn left, Speed Stick slow down, Secret obvious, and Sure confused.


Sorry dude. 99% quality. 1% shit. Nobody's perfect. Laugh it off! Everything else is fan-freakin'-tastic!!!!

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Where's this Q@A with the other mind series I keep hearing about? Also, Ross i was wondering your opinion of the other mind series. (Shepard's Mind and Barney's Mind)

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Did you use to do caracures? Cause I found a drawing in my house sighned Ross Scott.

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In response to your response Ross, the name of the game is Legend of Dragoon. It has some pretty awesome background music for being made in 1999ish. If you can't find the tracks let me know, ill e-mail them 2 u.


Good luck on the Tunnel, I hope there's not too many more bugs to go yet.

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meh, its not that bad...they are after all just 7 minute videos xD

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Ross, I know you are trying your best, and trying to satisfy your fans with this next freeman's mind. But don't push yourself, if you are trying to rush, don't. I'm sure all your fans are loyal enough to wait and be patient for the next video. Your doing your best, and I'm sure everyone here appreciates it. Just keep us updated. I will tip my hat to you, Ross.

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**PLEASE READ, ROSS SCOTT i got to say Ross, i'm impressed you made it this far. i was actually wondering why there's some episodes done less than a week and some that take a month. don't worry, theres never a rush making your hilarious half-life videos. we're all patient and you have all the time in the world. its funny how you come up with all this different material.thats why i like the sh!t you make in youtube. i'm sorry to here that things are going the way they should, but keep up these videos, keep making the world spinning. you're 1 hell of a guy and i hope to see your next video.

Your friend: Sr.Ozy

P.S. for some strange reason, you remind me of my days in school. i'm always saying things that you would say in your videos. My cousin realized this FOR me. God he is more annoying... oh Sh!t, comment too long. tke care Ross.

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Keep up the great work! I'm more than happy to wait for awesome...

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keep at it mate we are all behind you and I do not care if it takes longer between shows as the quality of your work shines through I keep telling people to watch your CP an FM clips. that it easy (when you can)


"I am a Ninja"

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While I wish it could go faster, don't worry. I had the exact same problem with getting my business up and running.

You don't need to be sorry, you've already produced the amount of footage of about two full length movies. You're a legend!

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Take as much time as you need, art can't be rushed.


Besides, I read Megatokyo, I'm used to long waits for an update.

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i know the feeling ross i have worked on some animating and finally decided if i really need to do animating it would be cheaper and safer for my mind/soul just to hire someone

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In regard of Source engine problems: I'm sure you persevere.... ;]


In regard of Mister Forge: lol


In regard of anything: it'll be cool if some big company gave you a job proposition with full freedom in creativity and whole studio to wield all this animating business from you(they would also take care of any copyright crap with Valve and other companies). But that's just pretty fantasy, eh. ^^

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