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Everyone dies. Or so it seems.

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Everything dies, baby, that's a fact. But maybe everything that dies someday comes back.

"It's time to evolve. That's why we're troubled. You know why our institutions are failing us, the church, the state, everything's failing? It's because they're no longer relevant...Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs."

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There's a reason they call it "self-destructive behavior."

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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Don't forget Randy Savage (Macho Man)



''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Everyone forgot about DJ Mehdi. Poor guy died at a friends birthday party.

Hi Friend.

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