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Flash pearls

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Online Flash games, we all played them, even if it was only a game with the really overused Tower Defense concept :P .

But once in a while it is possible to find a really original and exciting fun Flash game.

Discuss and/or post a link to Flash games that kept you entertained for a while.


Rebuild: "Gather survivors of the zombie apocalypse and manage food supplies, housing and morale while defending against undead attacks. Reclaim the city one square at a time and put your survivors to work scavenging for food, building houses, rediscovering technology and of course killing zombies. Beware of rival gangs, wild dogs, food thieves and even riots as you manage a city in this post apocalyptic turn based strategy game."



The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


"I am drunk, you dont have an excuse"

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Fancy Pants, Lenny in Space, Peace Tank, You Have to Burn the Rope, flOw


It's been a while since I played any of them substantially.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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