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Dear Bronies of AF

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Can you please stop infecting other threads with brony stuff. It's really annoying and it sends a thread right off topic. I like MLP as much as the next person but there's no need to fill up the forums with crap when it's not needed. It makes the forum feel more divided and really isn't helping the community at all. Secondly it drives a thread right offtopic and just leads to spam ie: image macros. Thirdly if you haven't seen the show or don't like it you wont get the jokes, with MLP stuff creeping into all the threads instead of just the one. How are non-fans meant to even understand the thread- let alone the jokes. Finally, a lot of the stuff you post is just downright not funny or unneeded.Of course you don't have to listen to me at all. However when I joined being a casual fan I felt out of my depth and uncomfortable. I'm not even sure if anyone has really noticed it or if this is going to be replied to with crap and pony images, but I felt I had to speak my mind/


TL;DR: Pony thread = pony stuff. Non-pony thread = no pony stuff

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Of course you don't have to listen to me at all.


Seriously though, I understand what you're talking about and I give you a sincere pony promise that I will not derail topics with my pony antics. Anyone else though...



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I'm honestly baffled by why these keep popping up. The pony spam has DRASTICALLY reduced(and I mean seriously took a dive) since before summer. In fact, aside from the MLP topic and the random thread, I don't really see much mlp pictures at all(and when I do, It's RD posting them).


And it's physically impossible to derail the Random thread as there is no rail for it to come off of.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Not this again...


To state my opinion again: I'll post whatever I damn well please as long as it has a reasonable relevance to the topic.


Where are threads being "infected" with ponies and going off topic? I'm sick of people saying this and not giving any examples. Any threads that did get derailed were derailed by non-bronies crying about pony response images. Even before I never got how there was any "pony spam", why are images suddenly spam if there's ponies in them?

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Why I do agree with you about getting off topic because of ponies in other threads shouldn't be happening, I don't think posting pony macro's as long as they are relevant to the topic is bad.


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Not this again...


To state my opinion again: I'll post whatever I damn well please as long as it has a reasonable relevance to the topic.


Where are threads being "infected" with ponies and going off topic? I'm sick of people saying this and not giving any examples. Any threads that did get derailed were derailed by non-bronies crying about pony response images. Even before I never got how there was any "pony spam", why are images suddenly spam if there's ponies in them?


Also known as "Username"

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If a user is posting random images to threads (that seem to have no relation to the discussion) you can press the report button and someone from the staff will come in a brief period of time.

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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I joined in September and someone already brought this up in June. Why aren't the moderators actually listening to the users? Or even the users listening to the users. It's a community, if someone feels like an interest is being pushed in their face then WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING IT. If someone is complaining about spam you can't just say "Oh they hate the ponies therefore the argument in invalid". I didn't want my pony related name because being associated makes me feel shame. Example: My graphics thread Lord Sinster cleaned a lot of pony crap off of it because someone said "Imma call you dashy". We don't need a pony image (ontopic or not) instead of a reply. It's just as bad as spamming. You're not contributing to it. Furthermore it's not about "hating a community" it's about alienating it. What you're doing is alienating any possible members by almost forcing them to be a brony or hate their guts. You have to pick sides.

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I joined in September and someone already brought this up in June. Why aren't the moderators actually listening to the users? Or even the users listening to the users. It's a community, if someone feels like an interest is being pushed in their face then WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING IT. If someone is complaining about spam you can't just say "Oh they hate the ponies therefore the argument in invalid". I didn't want my pony related name because being associated makes me feel shame. Example: My graphics thread Lord Sinster cleaned a lot of pony crap off of it because someone said "Imma call you dashy". We don't need a pony image (ontopic or not) instead of a reply. It's just as bad as spamming. You're not contributing to it. Furthermore it's not about "hating a community" it's about alienating it. What you're doing is alienating any possible members by almost forcing them to be a brony or hate their guts. You have to pick sides.

That's why I was anti-brony in the first place, but I thought it stopped so I withdrew my position.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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KT: I'm not a Brony, but what's the difference between posting pony images and regular images as long as both are topic related?


I, several ages ago, thought how you do, but I've become much more tolerant.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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What you're doing is alienating any possible members by almost forcing them to be a brony or hate their guts. You have to pick sides.

I don't see how we are forcing anyone to be a brony(at least not me and that goes for most other users). I just use pony macros from time to time in different threads, but i keep them on topic.


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It's rude to hijack a thread with ponies also it means that whoever's reading it needs to understand the show to understand any images posted. It's basically locking out the forum discussion to people who have heard of MLP. And if people come here because they're fans of Ross' work not because they want brony macros shoved down their throat.


I'm not anti-brony. I'm anti-shoving-my-interests-down-peoples-throat-because-fuck-them-right? I like My Little Pony, but the people who go over the top ruin it for every other fan. I don't want to like MLP if these are my co-fans.


@Kirkreng: Because there's a divide between people who like/understand the show and people who don't.

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There are memes other than MLP that a lot of people don't understand. Could you give me an example of a MLP picture that a non-Brony wouldn't understand without simply reading a bit about the show?

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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My biggest problem with all of this is that I HAVE stopped using pony images outside of the MLP thread. Most of us have, yet when 1 or 2 people go a little too far then these topics start springing up, lumping everyone with a common interest to the one's getting out of hand as partners in crimes. For god's sake if someone is causing problems, take it up with them or the mods instead of dumping it on everyone. If anything, the reason I'm so damn irked about this topic is because I feel like I'm being made the "problem" here when I haven't done shit.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Yeah sure (I'm also including ones which are blatantly offtopic/un-needed/spam (All in none pony threads):









Do you expect me to sit there looking through peoples posts and publicly humiliate them? I think it's a kindness to sit back and say "look guys, I'm new and I'm really no very comfortable and here's why" and address it to the members as a whole instead of complaining about individual users like I've got something against them.

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I understood nearly all of those images if not all; I don't even know if there's anything to understand.


And why should you announce it to the Bronies who don't even post images outside of the MLP thread and possibly make them feel guilty for just liking the show?


Do you expect me to sit there looking through peoples posts and publicly humiliate them?

There's the private message button and the report button. I think making a thread is more publicly humiliating than any other option.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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Those images mean nothing out of context.
Do you expect me to sit there looking through peoples posts and publicly humiliate them? I think it's a kindness to sit back and say "look guys, I'm new and I'm really no very comfortable and here's why" and address it to the members as a whole instead of complaining about individual users like I've got something against them.
I expect you to have a reason for complaining with examples to back you up. You won't be "publicly humiliat[ing]" someone by using an off-topic post as an example to prove a point.

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whoever's reading it needs to understand the show to understand any images posted.




So now we should remove every post that has someone saying "SPAAAAAAACE" in them? Because there's plenty of those.

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