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good luck with CP and FM ! i cant wait ! youre the best ! thank you for having those great ideas and insipiration ! how can i make an acount here ?

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good luck with CP and FM ! i cant wait ! youre the best ! thank you for having those great ideas and insipiration ! i succesfully created an acount

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Nice to know you are also a soundtrack freak.

Have the same method of working on videos as you have there ^^

Unfortunate there with Youtubes paranoia, hope it will change for the better.


Looking forward for your coming works and wish the best of luck

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What a shame. In my personal opinion Youtube is going to hell in a hand basket. They have screwed up the site so much that your videos are the only ones I really watch. You are doing a great job, keep it up!


P.S. I am not an actual Doctor, I just used that because of the Black Mesa theme.

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Don't worry Ross, we are going to wait all the time that is necessary.

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Anonymous at 21:08:52: I'm sure you'd understand if you were a musician wanting to sell music without


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Hey Ross, i don't know if anyone told You about it, but there's two Nine Inch Nails latest albums, which were released under Creative Commons license - so they are free to use by anyone as long as You're not gaining personal profit out of them. You should check out especially Ghosts I-IV 2 CD pack (you can download it legally via bittorrent or other file sharing service thanks to license they were relased upon - no one will sue You), which is wideeeeee range of pure instrumental electronic kick-ass music, i'm sure You find something interesting there for your videos



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Where can you get game soundtracks anyway? Do you download them?

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wow. freemans mind and civil protection never come out. ima just stop checking if there are any new episodes

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Accursed music copy right laws, why do you have to be so bloody difficult?? I love CP and I think freeman's mind is pure genius of comedy... and i hopeful will be starting a similar style of machinima (not to steal your thunder, but maybe something that people can jump on while waiting for the next cp episode) using a different game


hope that the music industry will let you put anything you want in your videos!




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It's just Youtube's payback for that retarded pirate episode of FM, they probably used to be fans as well!

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You can dispute cases where it isn't a DMCA violation, the video/music gets put back up right away and the makers can decide if they wish to push the matter.

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Not to say that artist's shouldn't sell their hard work, but all this fuss about online distribution is pointless; it is going to happen regardless of what the do to try and stop it. The fact that they are making these rules, and in turn effecting the creative process of artist's such as yourself is bullshit.

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one thing that i has always found interesting is that YouTube has a lot of copyright rules and yet it was made for and made popular buy showing illegal videos

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Maybe this is dumb but if there is a length of time that you can play a song without it infringing on some dumbasses rules then does that mean total play time in a movie or can you play it under the allotted time and then give it a second or two then play some more of it?

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Just go to Newgrounds.com. I'm not here to advertise them in anyway (even though I probably just did right now), but they have a music portal that allows composers to post their work, and when they post their work, it's all eligible for use by anyone. The portal is actually there to allow people to use the music whenever they want, to avoid copyright laws and such. It's there to allow free, unlimited music in videos or whatever to allow artist find a piece they can use in said video. All you need to do is credit the artist and don't say you made the music yourself. You should check it out if you have the time, and if someone can't make music for you.

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