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Music frustration

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This is going to be a long post because it's a bit of a rant. If you want a quick update, the next Civil Protection episode is still a couple weeks off, so my new estimate is for mid-May. This is why I don't like giving time estimates, they're almost always wrong. I'll resume work on Freeman's Mind as soon as the animation and filming is done for the next CP episode.


Now my rant. I have bad news in that despite my best efforts to fight this policy, I can no longer use game soundtracks in any videos unless they're from games by Valve. Every episode of Civil Protection and a few of Freeman's Mind have been using music from other games. Even the theme song to Civil Protection is from Quake 3 Arena, so that's out as well. This frustrates me for multiple reasons. One of the reasons is that to some extent I try to pick more obscure tracks people are less likely to have heard. For the most part, the music on most of my videos is NOT high-risk material for a copyright violation. I've included music from obscure games, very old games, games where the original developing company is now dead and the rights weren't bought by anyone, games where at one point the soundtrack was released for free online by the game company itself, etc. Apparently none of this matters. Due mainly to Youtube's paranoia about any DMCA violation, the rules have changed for submitting videos are much stricter regarding any music use. Any loophole I find (and have found) is basically irrelevant because it won't change this policy any. Yes, I could theoretically not release through Youtube or Machinima.com, but that's not really practical if I want to maintain a fanbase. Despite whatever you may think, views through Machinima.com and Youtube are ENORMOUS compared to any other distribution method for the medium. Rooster Teeth may be the only exception to this, but they have a contract with Microsoft and were one of the first groups on the scene.


Now you may wonder why this is such a big deal for me. The biggest reason is that I am a soundtrack FREAK. Probably half the music I have doesn't even have words. Having listened to many, many soundtracks over the years, this makes it much easier for me to pick out the kind of music I'm looking for in a scene. In fact, many ideas I've had for videos come from listening to soundtrack music and trying to envision what sort of situation would fit that the best, then working a script around that. Also since I have listened to so much soundtrack music, I enjoy being able to share selections many people may not be familiar with. In the case of dead game companies and old, obscure games, I almost looked at including picks as a way or resurrecting some interest. While there are still many other things to fix and add with the website first, in the future I may even try to exploit the current fanbase and add a side section for people interested in old or obscure game soundtracks like myself. For those who don't care about any of this, don't worry, this is a low priority for me next to making more videos.


Another point some people may think is that it's not unreasonable to ask me not to use other people's composition work. I suppose not, but I have some gripes about the current legal system regarding this. The last thing I want to do is upset any of the composers who have created so much great music. If I ever received a request from composers not to use their music, I would never fight that. All the music I've used is with the intention of showcasing it because I think it's great or ideal for the situation I want to use with it. I've credited the music I use in the videos I've created because I want people to know where it's from and who did it. What I don't like is that much of this music is likely doomed to obscurity due to complications with copyright law. I've written fan mails to several game music composers in the past. Everyone I contacted seemed flattered I enjoyed their music and was happy for people to listen to it. I think the situation for the vast majority of the music I was planning to use in future episodes was that the composers would be happy for me to use it, the game companies that aren't dead would probably either not care or else would like the additional exposure on an old product, but there's no legal precedent for any of this, so I can't use it. I think very, very few game companies would be willing to respond to an inquiry about music use, let alone give an official ruling on it. Many composers I simply can't track down any contact information for (Chuck Barth, I want the soundtrack to Rama!), so a lot of music is tied up legally when the reality is it's unlikely anyone actually cares about it anymore (besides me). As much as I love lots of game soundtrack music and want to share it with others, it's becoming apparent to me this is a losing battle.


Now there is some good news to all this. First, Craig Kesicke is an excellent composer who's offered to continue making music for the videos I work on. He has a very wide range of styles, which is necessary, given my music tastes. Based on what he's done for me so far (a lot of it's unreleased), I anticipate him becoming the lead composer for future videos here. The second piece of good news is that for the one soundtrack I really, REALLY wanted to use for the next CP episode, I was able to contact the composer and got direct permission to use in the upcoming video. So with the kind of help I'm getting with the audio, it should end up very close to the mood I'm looking for.


As for the next CP episode, it's still underway. Animation is going slowly and I've run into new bugs with the Source engine I've never seen before. Fortunately these new ones I've been able to work around and production is continuing. I realize this is going slowly, but no one wants to finish this episode more than myself. I'll make an announcement when it's closer to being finished.

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Ahh, that sucks mate. But you got your own personal composer out of it

Keep up the good work


also first lolololo

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Google made Youtube fail, it made everything strict and takes away ANYTHING for any small flaw.

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I'm a soundtrack freak too! Good to hear that from you, that means I haven't totally lost my mental sanity! XD

Anyway, it wold be great to have a personal composer for your videos, like Lit Fuse Films had Lars Erik Fjosne. Now you can have music that fits at 100% your scenes and you're sure that no one ever heard that before!

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Really sorry to hear about this, I can understand how frustrating this must be, as the music/soundtrack is effectively *half* of the video, any video.


For what it's worth, the music in CP is excellent; just weird enough to be fitting, yet not too strange enough to scuttle the video.


"Fat People, Not Good" is pure brilliancy, period.



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I believe there is a gap in the DMCA coverage that allows an individual to use up to thirty seconds of a copy righted work without risk of violating the copy-right. Try and figure out what it is, and I'll be looking myself. If you just challenge Youtube on this, they usually back down, particularly with this specific rule.

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Jecalux90: Regarding a personal composer, yes and no. On one hand I want the music to be what I'm looking for, and the other, I would feel awful asking a person to redo a track again and again and again if it just didn't seem to fit. As for Craig Kesicke, I've been pretty impressed with his interpretations so far. And hell, send me an email about soundtracks if you know a lot of obscure stuff, are familiar with soundfonts for old MIDI tracks, or have insight on genre organization.


Marcase: Actually "Fat People, Not Good!" was released for free on MP3.com by the artist several years back, it wouldn't be a problem under the current rules. I'll post the full track up sometime once the site gets fixed.


Zedacon: I don't think that applies in America, though length is one consideration for Fair Use law. And the problem is it's not me challenging Youtube, it's Machinima's channel and they don't want to incur the risk since they have way more to lose. If someone tried to sue me, the joke would be on them once they found out how much money I had.

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I need a ADD version so I no read!

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Damn, everything that makes your work takes longer, in this case youtube's annoying music policy, is a bad thing.

I hope it'll all work out somehow, at least you have your composer now and that one song.

Very much luck to you, sir Ross Scott.

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Bunch of idiots. Who the fuck needs law enforcement for dead games songs?

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Didn't I say this would happen and the funny thing is he gave another date. Mid-May XD Ahhhh crap you stupid for this didn't you see all the comments asking for CP to be finished by April these kids losing they f**king mind over that post. I would have said I'm working really hard on it and like the Pyramids that took many many years to finish. and then start your next paragraph. : ) I can't wait for this CP though you adding music and everything. THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME.

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I think that the reason for most visits on youtube is caused simply because you post those links.

Try posting links somwhere else and you might find that you have same amount of visitors. (alright maybe not right away, but after a time i am sure it would be the same)

Youtube is really wierd perfect example was one trailer... it was from EVE online i think.

It was official trailer, with song - beuty never fades.

And they just disabled the sound.

Even if the CCP had the rights for that song for the trailer


I completely understand your bitterness. Hell i too still listening to soundtracks from old games.

music from old orgin jewel Crusader no remorse is my favorite oh yeah Necros is a god.


Front Line Assembly that one from CP right ? ....have it somwhere with name Agony

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Wow, now you can't use game soundtracks?!?! What's next?

Well , at least Valve games especially HL have great songs.

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Load the tune up in Audacity then increase or decrease the pitch by a semi-tone - This will now bypass YouTube's content matching system.

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It's encouraging to see your dedication to high quality entertainment, inspiring even.


I'm glad to hear you're getting help with your music woes but if you are still looking for more independent music then you may want to listen to some of Zhaytee's music, it's pretty interesting and you may be able to find some uses for it in your films: http://www.zhaymusic.com/


I remember that his music was released under a creative commons license on his old website though i'm not sure if it still is, you may need to send him an email regarding the use of his music in your films but it could be worth a try.


Anyway it's good to hear news about progress and I look forward to the release of The Tunnel more and more, good luck.

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Have you contacted any personnel from id software about the introduction song. You use a fair bit of music from their games, I would be shocked if they didnt give you permission to use the soundtracks, especially from such a community-focused developer. If I rememeber rightly, some of the first machinima videos in the 90's were built on Quake - [Diary of a Camper wasnt it?]


Hope you sort it out. Worst case scenario, Im sure your internet fanbase could join together into an Acapella contribution or something......


Leo BT, UK

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That's a lot of problems. Take this MP5.

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Why don't you use an account/folder at MediaFire? They seem to keep older files, too.


Or just release via bittorrent.

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New CP-episode is something i've waited for awhile and it's good to it's coming along nicely. Sucks about the game soundtracks

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There are dozens of websites with free, legal music that would let you use in your machinima videos.

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