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i dont see the problem with episode 27 oh and is that really you ross on the last post?

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Guys, *sigh*.


I think the "no other points in the game where Freeman fights soldiers again" part was sarcasm. I could be wrong, although.


But Ross, damn it I loved that episode. It wasn't my favourite, but I still thought it was wonderful and a good break from the whole rambling that is Freeman's Mind, (but in a good way).


Protip: Do not ever look at the youtube comments ever again. I lose IQ poins reading them.

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Yes, ive played the game and there are much more soldiers to fight after that episode. Trust me. I've just started replaying it.

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To everyone who is calling anyone who didn't like the episode a "jackass." While I loved the episode and disagree with said people. They have a right to their opinion and that doesn't make them Jackasses. So, BE NICE!

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meh, i didnt like it. it was not normal. but i am lookn forwrd to tunnels.

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As I said on Youtube, one of the most enjoyable so far. Can´t wait for 28! Thanks for posting it mate



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what about the ninjas in the room before the "aprehension" level? that is going to be great! and what about the lanba complex? there are soldiers in there. i also would like to see him when he teleports to xen. that planets effed up.

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"I'm sure this has ruined the series for some of you, as we all know there are no other points in the game where Freeman fights soldiers again, but oh well."


Am I the only one who can tell this was supposed to be sarcastic.

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Why does the maker of Shephard's Mind seem to release vids faster than you?

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Less quality means more quantity.


Also, you're not alone in the sarcasm thing.

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I thought it was pretty funny, and I can tell you enjoyed it. Yeah, you slipped a little into australian here and there, but the fact you had the language down is pretty spectacular.


Nice job, and look forward to CP.

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I think 27 was my favorite of the series. I did think that maybe it needed a moment of transition, but it's awesome nonetheless and hope it carries at least partially into 28. It was a really excellent cutaway point for going onto a FM hiatus while CP is in the works â

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I liked 27, as it shows that Gordon is starting to succumb to some of the stress of surviving the Black Mesa incident. At least that's how I rationalized it. I mean any person would have a breaking point, at which they'd begin to ham it up or something in order to cope. I mean, I'd consider it a bit... hmmm... how to say it... strange? if a person could get through what Gordon's going through and not really bat an eye at it.

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I would say start the next one with a pirate theme then quickly realize how lame it is then go on with the brilliant voice over you always have

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I loved this episode! To anyone that says it breaks character: this is definitely something Ross' Freeman would do. He's starting to go crazy being cooped up underground, and getting shot at for no reason. This episode was EPIC! Keep up the great work Ross!

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In episode 26, the last six words out of Freeman's mouth were "I should have been a Pirate." I also loved the timing of when it came out, and hey, after several hours of running around and killing everything in site, things start to feel like a chore, so why not entertain oneself whilst doing something monotonous?


Keep up the good work Cap'n Scott

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So the subtitles for Ep27 are up on YouTube, but not the episode itself? Cause I can't find it there to save my life...

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