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If you ask me, those were not real subtitles...

I actually thought you were going to translate it from pirate talk to english, such as:

Anti Scurvy Machine: Juice/vending machine

Repeating Flintlock: Sub-Machine Gun

Mechanical Longboard: Tram


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Okay, I honestly don't like the idea of the pirate dialect being constant throughout the series, I did enjoy Ep 27. As an April Fools' episode, it was great...although I thought you might "kill" Freeman again...because the pirate dialogue struck me as being more appropriate for 9/19.


And what do you mean, "no other points in the game where Freeman fights soldiers again?" Last I checked he ran into Marines and Black Ops well into the Lambda Complex.


Dude...seriously...there's a reason why you got a job for FM. IT IS AWESOME. And I want to see CP come out with new eps too. I mean I'm not kidding, you actually bother to animate expressive gestures into people. That takes some time and effort and pays off.

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Seems to me that Gordon's sanity would be stretched to breaking point by the crazy shit he's seen. His government is trying to kill him, his fellow scientists have been turned into zombies and there are aliens materialising out of nowhere, no doubt putting almost everything he knows about physics into question. It makes sense that he'd have some kind of psychotic break and manifest a new personality in order to deal with the stress. But I'm sure it will have worn off by next episode.

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Gordon's sanity was questionable the moment the series started. I think he's just relieving stress.


As for the comments about there being no more soldiers, that was sarcasm. Ross knows there's more soldiers. Ross knows.

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Hey Ross

Please don't mind all the jackasses. Your work is some of the best you can find out there these days.


P.S. So you'll be working on taxes... well, I don't know exactly how, but I bet a donation system on this site would make it more interesting.

P.S.S. Yes, I WILL KEEP bringing it up, over and over again, until you let us somehow contribute to the cause.

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At first he got hes ear pierced and now he's a real pirate! How does this NOT make sense?


Brilliant, briliant! It was orginal and I don't se why you should remake it. No main characters were burned,stabbed or smashed, so why bother?


Keep the good shit up Rossman!

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This is all I hear from negative/pointless comments:




I'm mean, talk about whiners. There are viewers who do actually liked this -and past- episode/s and yes, even some who don't. So what? There are OTHER web series in the meantime to keep some of you guys busy while he makes CP/FM. Try RvB or the Nostalgia Critic (or reading a book) >.>.


Anyway, my personal thoughts on this episode, it was okay but I did laugh throughout the whole thing so I'm not complaining...plus I could tell that you really had fun with this episode. And I was expecting something different from this episode anyway.


Before I go, "would you like some cheese with that wine?"



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Gordon was not crazy from the beggining. Eccentric, yes, egostatistical, yes, but I don't think he was crazy. Look at the first few episodes, he has no idea whats going on, and he actually seems happy shooting stuff with his new pistol, but when the army tried to kill him and jumbo sized aliens almost crushed him, he started going crazy. I wonder what will happen if this is continued into half life 2. Sure he also has hundreds of people with machine guns and grenades trying to kill him, but he also has a lot of people who give him weapons and vehicles. He cant be completley insane by half life 2, wouldn't work well,

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Ross, kickin' butt and taking names again! Your creativity is only excelled by your sense of humor man! My whole family loved all the "pirate"y parts, including the title, description, etc.


And for the love of Xen, do NOT read YouTube comments again sir! What sort of creative insight do you expect to gain from "This isn't as good as "Fred" and "You suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"


Stay strong. Stay Free, man.

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i think half life is a pretty cool guy. eh talks in pirate voices and doesnt afraid of anything.

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There are parts of other episodes that I liked more than 27, but as a whole, its my favorite episode. Glad to hear the next CP episode is getting nearer and nearer. Thanks for the update and all the hard work!

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I'm not sure if anyone has posted this yet but:


"I'm sure this has ruined the series for some of you, as we all know there are no other points in the game where Freeman fights soldiers again, but oh well."


'Surface Tension', 'Forget About Freeman', 'Questionable Ethics' and 'Residue Processing' all involve fighting soldiers -- as well as others, probably: I'm a Half-Life nerd and fanboy, but I can't remember every chapter off the top of my head :P

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You may know a lot about half life chapters, but not much about "sarcasm".

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Well, two short thoughts (from the part of someone who disliked Episode 27):


1) I do not think that the series has been going down since Episode 20 or so;

2) I do not think that Episode 27 justifies deleting every FM's stuff on hard drive;


3) I did not find Episode 27 funny, nor interesting, at all;

4) to me, Episode 27 can be justified not to be kept on HDD.

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Freeman does say "I should of been a pirate" at the end of 26 so its sort of continuing... well it made me laugh anyways which is why I watch so no complaints here.

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Didn't the complainers ever play Monkey Island? Harr-de-harr harr!

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Oh, and I thought 27 was pure awesome. I would've run out of piratey phrases after "Shiver me timbers". Incredibly creative and funny!



The author of the previous comment

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It was surprising, I admit, but it is still entertaining. Especially with the security guard at the end. It was a welcome change, and I look forward to the next CP. Do your best!

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Episode 27 kicked huge amounts of ass!

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Well give me hell people But after

"This suit just won't shut up!"

"Is that really so hard to just not die?!"

"These aliens are just good for NOTHING!"

"Oooo, machine-gun turret. Silly me, I forget how we need these things..."

"Comic writers know about science such as I... well, I'm not good example, since I know almost everything, but.."

"Scheduled chaos teory? It makes such sense like grounded aviaton.. or deep sea astronomy"

"It's not as bad as pepper spray tho, god I hate pepper spray"

"Is there a pixie? Science hadn't disproved existence of pixies.. If they can shift through dimensions it could explain the lack of evidence for them. I'm hearing clicing. Pixies don't click. Is that you?"

"...you should be aware to not become a drummer, or was it monster? I dunno, same thing, really.. I wonder if Nietzsche was in a band.."




There is just NOTHING like this after 20 episode

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