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Arr, I been hearin' me some chatter regardin' me speech on the last tale. It seems to me ye gobs been out at sea so long ye forgotten what the King's English be soundin' like. Arr, I suppose it best I be goin' back to talkin' in yer accent what ye can understand me proper. So here goes:


The subtitles for Episode 27 are now up on Youtube, which should shed some light on it for all you 21st century people. Also a handful of episodes are getting new subtitles posted, which will be up sometime in the near future; they're being posted by Machinima.com on Youtube and a web admin for the site.


Viewers seem pretty polarized on the last episode. If you liked it, great. If you hated it, great. It was easily my favorite episode of Freeman's Mind, though my accent could have been better, by far the most difficult part of it was trying to keep it consistent. I did break my own rule of reading some of the Youtube comments for that episode (which is something I'm never going to do again), and the wisdom of the masses there seemed to think I was going to release a "normal" episode 27. No, I'm not. The only reason I did a redo of episode 10.5 last year was because this is a continuous series and the main character DIED. I'm sure this has ruined the series for some of you, as we all know there are no other points in the game where Freeman fights soldiers again, but oh well.


I'll be working on Civil Protection and taxes. I really cannot promise anything as far as CP, but it's my goal to get the next episode out sometime this month.

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Episode 27 was rather refreshing, in my opinion. Your accent wasn't that hard to understand, and it was an enjoyable episode.

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I liked it. It was a nice change of pace and being April Fool's Day, it was cool that you did something special for it (whether it was intentional or not). Some of the lines had me laughing harder than any had in the series for quite a few episodes. I thought it was particularly funny how Pirate Freeman is much more confident and less jumpy than 'normal' Freeman, generally speaking. That said, I don't think it's something that should be revisited, because it would get old quick, I think.

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I thought it was something new, and it was amazing. Like IceCKryss said, it was refreshing.

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Liked it. Keep up the good work, Ross Scott

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Wait, you read some Youtube comments?

Get the medkit, a mop, and a priest, stat!

BTW, your accent was excellent, and I loved the way you sounded like the characters from the audiobook version of Treasure Island.

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Well I think it does affect the consistency of the series if there's not going to be a "normal" episode 27, but I'm not going to complain. It was still a pretty funny episode and it's your series anyways so you're entitled to do whatever you damn well please with it.


- SparcMan

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Arr, I go away fer a week and look what be transpirin'?


I very much enjoyed episode 27, and you talk a great pirate. Though I must say I'm actually a bit surprised that Freeman's character kept it up the whole five minutes without tiring of it. Not disappointed, but surprised. But then again speakin' like an old seadog kin be a fair bit entertainin' tho not so excitin' as a fair wind in ye hair, a fine crew at ye back and a merchant vessel fat with the best o' loot starin' ye right in the face.


Arr, that indeed were a good day.

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Wait, don't you have to fight soldiers at the rocket silo? I was sure that there were some there.

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I was surprised by the accent but overall I thought it was one of the better episodes.

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I enjoyed 27, it was...different.


I just wonder how Freeman is going to explain his pirating in 28

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wait, there aren't any mroe points where freeman fights soldiers? isn't he fighting soldiers pretty much until he gets transported to xen?

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Long time watcher, first time commenter: It was..... different.... to say the least, and if I remember right, you're about where I left off in the game which means I may need to start playing again jsut to keep up with the series since whenever I would get stuck, I'd just consult freeman's mind instead of actually finding a walkthrough or anything, but then I got addicted and got pretty far, then quit for some reason i cannot remember. Anyway, I love the series, didn't much care for this episode, but I shall still wait happily for the next.

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Youtube commenters. Can't live with them, can't live... well yeah, you can.

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I don't see why this episode can't be just a normal part of FM. Assuming Freeman is a real guy in the real world he's going through a very surreal time right now with aliens and all. He's just on a pirate jaunt to break the tension of being stuck somewhere underground in a labyrinth of tunnels that seem to be endless. A single hit to his suit can bring him back to reality and make him realize that he needs to get serious again and work to get out of black mesa.


"If you liked it, great. If you hated it, great. " You tell 'em Ross!!


I also think that it would work rather well while waiting for more FM (since it's going to take a while for more now) to reverse the whole FM experience. Instead of watching Freeman's Mind thinking back at when you played half life, you now re-install half life and play through the game thinking about the episodes of Freeman's Mind and what happened in the video series. Just a thought.

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27 was pure genius, so sayeth I. The purpose of the series is *to be funny*. You achieved that with 27, in my opinion, at least as well as any other episode so far. Well done!

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I liked it, and I don't think it was totally outrageous! I mean, Freeman's a nerdy scientist, he's been awake for like 36 straight hours trying to fight to the surface, and he's being pursued by aliens, black ops, and grunts- it would make ANYONE a little batty. I would imagine he would want to have a little fun and do a pirate accent for a little while!


Great job, Ross!

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Just remember Ross, when life gives you lemons... Paint That $#!T Gold!

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I loved it, great job as always.

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