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Arr mateys, here be a new tale for ye to gander at. This ought to quell yer squawkin' fer a spell, though I knows thar be no pleasin' some o' thee. But consider this, I sez: If I were to tell the tale any faster, then I'd be done before me voyage was over and me crew would mutiny on me. Where would I be then, I asks?


Nay, I'd flog some sense into ye swabs if ye were aboard my ship, but thar be so many of thee me lashing arm would get tired long a'fore I were done. Arrr. Me own crew is a sight less ornery than yer lot. They serves me loyal even when our ship keep springin' leaks as it oft do. Arr, we'll steer her in to port soon enough and have wonders to show all.


May ye have fair winds and calm seas, unless ye be lookin' to cross me crew, then may ye dies a most painful death what with yer innards spilled open and yer head on a pike.





-Cap'n Ross Scott

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Arr! Captain Ross! Dar She Blooows! *DEMOMAN - KABOOOOOOOOOOOOM* Yarrr that be demoman vale! ive been all my life for this Yarr xD

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Lol. I went to the Barney's Mind blog and told everyone that there was a new Freeman's Mind! I was trying to make an April Fools prank but i didn't know that Ross actually released something!

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God Damnit YES. This is amazing.

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Good fuckin luck with subtitles on this one!

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I don't know what to say but wow.


Wow. Um, wow.


I think I will take a vow of silence and let Ian "Pirate" have the final word on this one.

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Shiver me timbers, captain freeman!!!!!!!!


I stayed up all night waiting for this. (it's 4 in the morning in melbourne australia)




Matthew Sherlock.

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Heh. Ian's going to love this when he sees it (assuming he hasn't already). He's supposed to be the Pirate -- Teh Mighty Pirate, that is.

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Yarrrr. This be a great video. Long John Silver would be proud. It's also the PERFECT day to post this on.

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This was the best. Hands down.




I couldn't stop laughing. Some lines were beyond brilliant, others were simply brilliant.

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OHHHHH, It's April fools day! I got really confused XD

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Yarrr! Awesome episode,Captain Freeman.

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Didn't care for the taste of me repeating flintlock did you now?

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That voice acting was damn good, I could barely recognize you.

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Arrgh!!! This bit 'o scrum be made of pure win, says I! 'Tis a shiny dubloon in the pile of barnacles otherwise makin' up me April Fool's Day. Sail on, Cap's Scott!!!

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Ye left yer Mechanical Longboat behind.



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Subtitles are going to be a pain in the arse here. haha

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