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hey you know that anonymous at 13:08:16 is right about it fealing differnt i relly cant place my finger on it but it is difrent strange ...

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do you know how many episodes you are going to have this month?

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you could've just said "to habest" anonymous 15:26:46


hey ross when are you going to release the next one?


plus am I the only one who just waits on the old post for comments? and somtimes comment myself just to find out that ross released a new one yesterday?


if anyone replies to this just say "to tyger" (I honestly can't keep track of those numbers!)

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Thanks for releasing this one, i cheak this after i cheak my facebook for any new ones ( i cheak my facebook alot ).




P.S if you need any help with anything ross, anything to make the FM vids come out faster or just to help you keep your sanity, dont hesitate to ask.

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Nice episode, so when is the next one coming out? hahaa. just kidding, take your time, but keep us updated, i kind of thought the new average production rate would be like, 1 every 10 days, I can dream can't I? Oh, and if you anyone actually READS these, then can someone tell me why the option to view older posts on this website dosnt work? It says "searching" but I waited like a half an hour, and it never got past that screen. Is that part of the site glitched, or am I doing something wrong? Oh and also, hope you can get up that "Extras" section of the site soon, good luck!

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to tyger sorry i did not see that he said to refer to him as habast my bad

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VLC Plays anything if you dont have it get it

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Great work, but take all the time you need. If experience has taught me anything, it's better to do something right rather than fast. I would like to see a new Civil Protection on a side note. Maybe after episode 25. And to all the badgering fanboys reading this, go watch Barney's Mind of Shephard's Mind if you hunger for the same type of humor. If you have, then you're SOL.

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ross can you tell me how to make the gldsource engine version of half life look better mine sucks

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Hey Ross, Hey everyone,


I just saw something very interesting per chance.

Its called Flattr.

Looks like a good alternative to a paypal button. Take a good look at it.

In relation to the recent requests for a paypal button, this looks like the perfect answer (watch the video).

Free content and users that want to reward the creator = Flattr.



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Would you mind making a behind the scenes video? I think that that would be cool.

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Well, you can't make the DVDs, but I'm willing to bet that many fans would be willing to help with financing so that you could make more videos. Just add a PayPal donation button to the page, then you aren't selling your videos, but receiving donations from people.

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Hm, more complaints huh? That means your fanbase is way bigger than any time before. Doesn't give an excuse for the complaints, but you know... Explains it some.


I always find people like that silly, too, because there are so many other things to do/watch/read/play on the internet besides a single thing like Freeman's Mind or Civil Protection.


Oh well. You've been doing an excellent job with Freeman's Mind, particularly when there's a lack of NPC interaction. That was a thing I wondered about after the first few episodes: if you could pull off doing the purely action/platform parts without NPCs to talk to. You've answered my expectations and then some.


I anticipate FM 25 and Gordon's solution to the giant wall of concrete. Take care and take it easy!

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*TECHNICALLY* if you wanted to couldn't you sell DVD's for the cost of the DVD itself and shipping? Not that you would since there would be nothing to gain (except minor immortality) but yeah. I suppose it would be a lot easier for each individual to A: Download the episodes from YouTube or B: Just re-watch the damn things on YouTube.


Anyway, I'm patiently waiting for the next episode. You help a dull, annoying life to be amusing for the duration of each episode.

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long time watcher first time poster


only just got around to watching this and its all top notch mate, love your work. take your time with the next one, never mind the wait.

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Both my mom and my 10 year old sister think this series is an epic, and I frequently quote Freeman. Best comedy of 2009.

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