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I think that true genius, like your comedy, my cooking and few other things are the sort of things one can not rush, but that everything in universe must fall exactly right in order the genius to be conceived.

Take your time, I enjoy the results best when it has all your potential behind it.


Thank you for keeping us updated, and thank you for the Freeman's mind.

-Tony from Finland

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ross you need to fix this! >:( no but seriously im happy to comment!

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Suggestion for Ross : Start keeping your funny bloopers, you said in a previous post that it takes you 20 tries for some lines. I bet some of those are amusing... you should keep them! Maybe release a few when the fans get too vicious! ^^


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"I'm surprised with how many people are interested in donating. I think I may reconsider my stance on this, but only once I get more videos made and more goodies on the website rolled out. While I like money as much as the next person, I plan to continue making videos regardless of user contributions." ~Ross


You underestimate your popularity.


PayPal is cool but a cheap PO Box at the post office works just as well. And by the way, those of us willing to throw some green your way wouldn't be doing it in order to have a say about what you should be working on, we are just going the Radio Head / Trent Reznor route and want to pay you something even though you distribute freely.


Goat King

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"Just one point of interest, did you change the codec you used when you changed the intro video to that zoom-in onto the computer screen (somewhere around episode 20)? Those haven't played so well for me."


The sound doesn't work for me on them. I'm using mplayer... At least the youtube versions work for me.

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Hey Ross, good to hear from you. I've trying to leave a coment for a couple of days, hope this time works.


I'm glad you are thinking to reconsider the donation system thing. However, I think you already have MORE than enough content on this site to justify it (24 freemand's mind, 9 CP and 3 miscellaneous videos).




P.S. A new FM will really make my weekend

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IM WRITING THIS COMMENT ON MY PS3! Anyway glad to hear that you're better off than you sounded. -TOASTOFJUSTICE

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It's good to hear that production of the next Freeman's Mind is happening. That show is truly good, and should be shown to a T.V. editor and aired. I have downloaded all of your episodes and watch them again and again. They're really good, I know others will agree.

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Good fer you starting up FM again. you should really hire somebody to help you lol

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It's all cool man, I enjoy your work and I know for a while you were just cranking them out, take your time to get it right, I'd rather have an awesome episode than several forgettable ones

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There is a giant difference from people who comment on Youtube than people who comment here. Youtube commenters are like this: Next Next Next Next! Why is it taking so long? People here know what's going on in your life and the problems about the next video, so they show more respect for how long it takes you.


-Best of luck!

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Speaking of escapist... Has there been any thought to perhaps contacting Escapist Magazine about getting your stuff put on their site? I know some of the LoadingReadyRun guys are pretty much making a living off it, so i'd imagine they pay pretty well. I dont imagine that you could pump out work quite as fast as them, theirs being live action and all, but it might be worth looking into, unless you're already in a good contract with machinima.com ofcourse.

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Ross, if you're still hesitant regarding donation that's fine, however might I suggest something like google ads? It's 25 cents per click (or so I was told) and with the fanbase of FM and CP, all you need to do is put in a link to this website at the end of the vids and you'll get plenty of views, and perhaps that would help give you some extra cash. Just a suggestion, take care, can't wait for the next FM.

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Ive got to tell you, this is my favorite series on youtube...and ive got a question, what are you going to do once you have finished half life? are you going to start on half life 2, or will then be it?

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Why dont you just make you own youtube channel?

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Or he could try ThatGuyWithTheGlasses. Doug is alwase looking for new segments for the site, and i dont think there is anything similer to Ross' work there yet.

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Long live Freeman!!! These are the best series I had ever seen. Ross, you some how made this obviously out dated PC game fun again. You had even have me go and buy it !! DAMN YOU! LOL

Being a transit worker, I really enjoyed your C.P. episode " Rails". People around here really do that crazy stuff too !!

Keep up the great work and take your time. I am sure , as much as your fan base wants to see more installments of any of your series, they would much more appreciate them done to your satisfaction. Ok enough of this, time for some Nacho's and a Doughnut!

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there is a glitch in the site! ross! FIX IT! i cant comment! (p.s. im wroiting on a psp! )

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