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Well here's the surprise video I mentioned, I hope I didn't hype it up too much. This is the first non-machinima video I've released. I filmed this back in 2003, but never got around to editing it, so it's been sitting on my hard drive for years. Since I didn't have a place to record the past couple weeks and didn't have a lot of time due to moving, this was the only thing I could think of that I could get out relatively quickly. There are a few video artifacts because I waited longer than I should have before transferring the video from tape, but it's still watchable.


I'm embarrassed to say I've forgotten the names of the actors in this, if anyone recognizes them today, let me know, I'll remember their names once I hear them again. Also due to various reasons I ended up doing the narration for this myself. I'm sure someone else could have done a better job, but the time restraints were tighter than normal. I'd still like to thank everyone who did send me a sample reel, my apologies that I ended up not using you for the voiceover, I can be a picky bastard sometimes.


As for the video itself, if there's any confusion, I didn't make a real show about this, it's just a fake teaser commercial. After uploading this to Youtube, it looks like I'm not the first with this concept, though when I wrote this I was not aware of any other pigeon hunter videos. And yes, we did end up killing a pigeon in the making of this, but it was by accident. The original script didn't call for killing pigeons, however, one of the actors ended up stepping on one of the pigeons by accident and broke its neck, so I decided to use that for an extra shot where he held it up as a game trophy.


In other news, I'll be looking for a new place to live soon, but I plan to focus on finishing The Tunnel. Regardless of how far I get, I'll probably make another Freeman's Mind for January just because I get the feeling viewers will be ready to lynch me if I don't. I plan to have many more FM episodes this year, but I'll be alternating between them and some of my more ambitious projects.

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Well, I see that driving in a straight line for days finally took you to insanity... XD

Sorry to say that but... I won't take this video in consideration for an Oscar...!

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Don't worry about the killing, no one likes pigeons anyway.

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I kind of see the way you ended up doing machinina.. And I also see how this is going to surprise CP's and FM's lover. But I somehow like it because you can feel there was a Ross Scott before machinina.


If you were given the chance to make a movie how would it be? No holds..


By the looks of the video something like Clerks.. Right?

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So.... If Sunday you're free, why don't you come with me and we'll poison the pigeons in the park?

And maybe we'll do in a sparrow or two while we poison the pigeons in the park...

We'll murder them all amidst laughter and merriment,

Except for the few we take home to experiment!


Merry christmas Ross!

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Ok... that was... interesting.


Merry Christmas Ross.

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What in the...


But as an idea for the British voices, you can use them in future episodes of Civil Protection. Some of the civilians might be British, or even one of the officers.

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ok please no more videos like this ross.


just stick with freeman's mind and civil protection. thank you!

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I hate pigeons so i'm happy of what you did and i like the accent your using here Ross xD. Quite interesting little video .

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LOL...wow. No love on Christmas for a poor artist putting forth art? ... eh, ok. It wasn't great, but it WAS funny!


I can't believe that I missed my opportunity to do some voice acting! I've done some theater, and played lead for a snooty Brit even. Which was to say the least, hilariously fun for me.


Ah, oh well. If you ever need another voice actor, for British, or anything else, I've got a few in my bag of magic voices, and I learn new ones fairly fast...


Good luck with finding a place to call home, getting another CP, and my personal favorite, FM up! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you sir!

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Can't say I recognize the actors but I do recognize the location. Pigeon hunting outside the PPG building eh?


You've got some strange Christmas traditions. XD

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Pigeons are the rats of the sky.


Also, you almost sound like Yahtzee Croshaw with that accent of yours.

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That was a bit out there. It still gave me a chuckle though. Good British accent, but I'm American so almost any attempted British accent sounds good to me. How long did you have to work on the accent?

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Sorry but I don't want to offend you Ross, usually I'm a fan of your videos; yet I dislike this one.

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noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is gone insane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


why god why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but hey it's good to hear you have made progress with your funny side.

2003 must have bin rough on ya

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Anonymous at 13:15:18: No, if I had no limits I'd want to do something more adventure oriented (but still comedy), though I'm sure I'll do more Clerks-ish stuff in the future.


Anonymous at 15:53:52: I think my fanbase is at a point where if I release anything that's not Half-Life related, a large percentage won't like it. I don't really care either way, but I don't have any plans to discontinue the other series.


Anonymous at 16:13:04: Good thing this video predates Youtube then huh?


Anonymous at 20:48:29: That is not a problem.

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