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Deus Ex: Human Revolution - PC Game Review

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so i just beat DEHR, the rest of this post should not be read until you beat the game. so long story short, SPOILER ALERT:




well one thing i didn't like about it was that when you beat the game you don't get a New game+ option(the ability to start over with your weapons/augmentations.) i beat the game completely ignoring the leg prosthesis augs, they seemed largely contextual to me, i also never got the typhoon, or the stealth enhancements, just never got around to it and the hacking augs seemed much more beneficial. i only completed 3 side missions and i didn't save that one guy from offing himself despite having the social enhancement, or the other guy who wasted the hostage before having that enhancement.


my main goal was stealth, which i'm happy to say, this game was brilliant with it. plus i felt smarter being able to bypass a horde of enemies rather than wasting a contingent of ammo taking them out. i feel kinda "without" because i didn't complete all the side missions, which is what i'll do my second play through. i'm also planning to focus less credits on augs and more on weapon enhancements. this is largely against my preferred style of play, but i want a new challenge and a "shoot first ask questions" later approach seems less taxing on my sanity.




now if you read above please don't read below, because this is pretty much game ruining stuff.




well first off i think the first Boss battle was with Barret, this guy was a BASTARD, he seemed to succumb to gas explosives though so i'll be whoring those out next playthrough. next Boss i forget her name, but it's that goth-looking aug-enhanced chick inside the A.I's chamber, now she wasn't the hugest of deals once i figured out that shooting the power thingys on the wall fucked her up pretty bad. Jaron Namir; fuck this guy, i foolishly accepted the L.I.M.B biochip upgrade so guess who was without augs for that fight, yea good guess(i'm not getting that upgrade next play.). anyway once i found the laser rifle he was a cake walk, i just kept on doing laps around the middle partition firing lasers at his ass until he died. final boss was easy, and only so because i convinced Darrow to give me the code to purge the pods then i just needed to avoid electrical shocks while shooting at the final boss chick's shield.


what choice did you guys pick? Sarif's, Taggart's, Darrow's or the suicide option? i personally saved before choosing one then watched them all to get the achievement. my favorite though was Sarif's.


another thing i'm wondering did you save Malik? i'm wondering what will happen if you do, so i'm gonna go ahead and save her ass next time instead of leaving her to die like before.


i'll probably have more questions, because this game bends itself based on your choices so i might ask things like "what did you choose when this happened?" stuff like that. feel free to ask me the same questions.



i take no guilt whatsoever if you haven't beat the game, read the above, then got the story ruined. i did warn you after all.

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what choice did you guys pick? Sarif's, Taggart's, Darrow's or the suicide option? i personally saved before choosing one then watched them all to get the achievement. my favorite though was Sarif's.


another thing i'm wondering did you save Malik? i'm wondering what will happen if you do, so i'm gonna go ahead and save her ass next time instead of leaving her to die like before.


i'll probably have more questions, because this game bends itself based on your choices so i might ask things like "what did you choose when this happened?" stuff like that. feel free to ask me the same questions.


I didn't save Malik, but I'm going to save her this time round. Also, I chose the suicide ending, but to keep it entertaining each time 'round, I'm doing a different ending each time, not saving and doing them all.


Stealth is my main modus operandi, and I'm very good at it. (I've never missed a Ghost award) I have however a very low regard for alarms, and somehow regularly set them off. :?


I never liked the Laser gun... Always gave away my position... I mainly use a maxed out 10mm pistol. (it's actually the most powerful anti-boss weapon in the game; 15 direct hits to the chick in the computer room and she's dead)


If you grow tired of trying to do things the hard way, have the PC version, and want to see what it's like to go through the entire game cloaked... Just PM me, and I can hook you up with a trainer.


Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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i love stealth as well, i missed a few ghost awards so if you have any advice on that front that would be awesome. also did you get the new bio-chip from limb? because that royally fucked me for the Namir boss fight. and thank you so much for the advice on the pistol, i guess i underestimated the little guy ;)

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i love stealth as well, i missed a few ghost awards so if you have any advice on that front that would be awesome. also did you get the new bio-chip from limb? because that royally fucked me for the Namir boss fight. and thank you so much for the advice on the pistol, i guess i underestimated the little guy ;)


Yeah, I didn't get the chip 'upgrade'. Just sounded too much like it was going to fuck me later on.


As for advice, always do as many side quests as you can. You get lots of XP and additional stuff when you do, all of which can be used for more stealth enhancing augs, and better stuff. The side quests are about 50% of your possible upgrades and praxis.


Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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alright, last spoiler, only in reply to yours though.


yea i honestly thought, my first playthrough i mean, that she'd save herself so i thought leaving her was a good idea...she said she had it covered! how was i supposed to know she lied! lol



i'm restarting the game today, depending on how much i have to do today...

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I recently bought the game but I just got it running last night. I'm running on an older system and those fancy particle effects are brutal but I finally got the settings balanced out and the game runs decent now although there is still the frequent drop in frames when the effects get heavy. So if your like me and you are fairly comfortable in you knowledge of PCs but are still convinced that yours is evil or you are currently running on older hardware that barely meets the minimum requirements your going to have a battle on your hands but in the end it's worth it.


First impressions:


The default controls are not the norm as FPS titles go and you will most likely find yourself rebinding your keys within the first few minutes of the game. That being said the game controls can feel a bit sticky and or clumsy at times and take some getting used too.


After the intro / tutorial level the game starts of nicely and continues at a fair pace. There are plenty of side missions and tons of areas to explore. In fact, one of the unique things about this game is the level of freedom given to the player. for instance at the beginning of the first (post intro) mission you are given the option to chose what weapon your going to start with, whether you want to go lethal or non lethal and choose a close or long range weapon type. Although you don't have to stick to this if don't want too, the game is all about freedom. There is almost always more than one approach to every challenge. Meaning that you can hack the lock on the fence gate or pile up some boxes and climb over it, kill every guard in the room or sneak around them, there is enough freedom here to make this game worth replaying.


The AI can be hit or miss, at times they will seem to be on point but there will be plenty of moments where they will behave stupidly or just plain disappoint you. It would have liked to see the AI have more human reactions to their situations. For instance, I just killed 5 out of 6 guards with out so much as being shot at and the last guard alive, while alarmed shows absolutely no concern for his situation. AI also seem to lack a sense of self preservation, it’s not uncommon for guards to funnel into a room that they know isn’t safe even after seeing their friends mowed down in the doorway. Overall, the AI is good but it’s not great which at times can feel almost out of place in a game so polished.



In closing:


Over all, I love the game. Messing with the enemies and the people on the streets is a blast and the freedom in the missions makes the game interesting and fun. I recommend you watch some let's play footage on youtube to make sure this game is for you, that's what I did.



Cheaters never win ; )

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Cheaters never win ; )

Actually, cheaters almost always win...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Cheaters never win ; )

Actually, cheaters almost always win...

Like a wise noname nerd once said: Cheaters win at the game and fail at life.


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Cheaters never win ; )

Actually, cheaters almost always win...

Like a wise noname nerd once said: Cheaters win at the game and fail at life.

Like an intelligent hacker once said: We don't have a life to waste, so we hack to get the same result faster.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I've recently finished this game, and I really enjoyed it. :D


It took me 37.2 hours.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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I can only say game is great and also has several funny or a bit irritating glitches. (I hope they will fix them )


The best thing I love is the voice acting and some graphics are fantastic! The story is very good. In fact I became addicted and have to take this game like a drug!


However, owerwhelming yellow shades could be less overwhelming.... and comparing to the first Deus Ex, augumentations are much easier to get, at least on the easiest level of difficulty :)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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From all what i've been hearing i think i really should get this game. Probably going to order it soon.


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