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Escape from L.A. + Subtitle update

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I'm going to be leaving soon and heading back to Virginia, which will be quite a drive. I'll be driving through a lot of desert, you may want to watch the movie "The Hills Have Eyes" to get an idea of what it should be like. Besides getting ready, I've been catching up on a lot of things the past couple weeks, though you probably won't see the results of it until at least January. I'll be away for about a week travelling, but I'll get back to work on the videos as soon as I'm done. I'm going to try and get another video out before Christmas as it's mostly edited. This will be a surprise one and won't be very long, but I think there's a good chance you'll like it. You won't see any new machinima videos until at least January, though I've got a lot of things brewing, I anticipate releasing more videos for 2010 than I did this year.


- - -


In other news, the subtitle situation is still a mess and I've come to the realization that the scope of it is too big for me to handle and work on other things. I have hundreds of emails related to subtitles, most of which I haven't replied to yet, and I'm unsure how to deal with it all. My latest idea is to see if anyone would be interested in assisting me with organizing and processing the subtitles. I would lay out the guidelines for him or her, and you could email that person instead of me to help get them processed. I would still approve all the English ones myself, as I'm the final authority as to what words are being said, but for all other languages, there's no reason someone else couldn't help me with this. I would probably hand off the emails I've gotten so far to that person and let them follow up and organize everything. I realize this might seem kind of impersonal for the people who have contacted me, but I feel like it's the only way I'll make any progress. This is my fault for not realizing just how much time this was going to take. I'd rather hand the job off to someone else who will do a better job than abandon the goal entirely.


If you are interested in being a "subtitle manager," please email me. My requirements are that you have good communication and English skills, have a lot of time to devote to this, be familiar with Subtitle Workshop or similar software, have your computer able to read non-English characters, and be more organized than I am. Since I'm going to be gone soon, don't expect any reply from me until at least a week or so. I can't afford to pay you, but you would get your name on the site here. Also, it's probably worth writing a paragraph or two just so I can confirm your grammar and spelling are above that of the average internet user.

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Im happy for your decision. Less stress is always good.

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A surprise video? Oh Ross, you tease. It sounds like a good year ahead.

I like the written word, and I like these update posts, but would you ever consider an audio or video blog update? Perhaps you could record your journey across the continent? A montage would be corny, but you have a knack for good style, so I'd love to see something like that! You know, *apart* from all the animation of course. More of that, please.


Happy Holidays man, and have a safe trip home. All the best to you and yours for 2010.

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yeah i finally got a high comment. but unffortunatly i have no comment

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Hi Ross!


I finally got in touch with my friend who lives in Christiansburg, and he may have already contacted you with any information he found about part-time work and/or living arrangements. I don't know what arrangements you have already made, but I hope that it will be useful to you.


I wish you safe traveling, and hope that you have friends and family in VA with whom to celebrate the holidays.


~ David

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As one of the Anonymous' said, a video of your drive and your commentary on it would be great. A nice change of pace from the usual Source animation. After living in a place like LA, you really learn to appreciate how life is elsewhere, I know, I used to live in Las Vegas, which isn't that much different. Anyways, good luck with the move and the subtitles issue's.

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Whilst I can handle English and Spanish very well -and so can my computer-, I'm afraid I have never used Subtitle Workshop or any other subtitle-related software. I would offer a hand but you might have better applicants for such a job. If not, let me know how can I contribute to the cause.


I shall be looking forward to the surprise video. Have a good trip.




A literate anonymous internet user.

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I hope you enjoy the drive!




Anyway I cant wait for the new episodes!

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I also have been interested in the subtitles to your videos, especially after I visited the "Subtitle" section of the website. Unfortunately I lack knowledge on how to use Subtitle Workshop, so I'm not sure if I can really help. Good luck with moving; I'm looking forward to the video coming out.

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I would love to help you, but sadly I just do not have the time...

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All the murderous psycho hillbillies I know out in that area love your videos, so I think you'll be all right. After Missouri though, I can't guarantee anything.

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More videos?! Holy Moley. I would really like to help, but I'm a little retarded in the computer department. (Yes, I used it right!(I'm a show-off)). I use Sony Vegas Movie 6 for some of my videos I'm so behind. And Have no experience it Subtitle Workshop.


And good luck with the road trip.

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hi ross i heard u ned help with subtitles so i thot dat i cold help u out and stuff! i lov freemans mind alot, wats civil protection? thx and god luck!!!@

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That's Great! I'm sure the quality of your videos will improve like they always have, without those caffeine addicted Machinima people pushing you too hard.

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Have a safe trip, Ross. I hope you can relax a bit over the holidays once you get back to VA.


I'm from AZ originally, and most of your murderous desert psycho hillbillies will be either in eastern CA or west TX, but as was earlier mentioned they love Gordon and Mike

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Good luck with your trip back to Virginia. I'm from North Carolina and miss it in lots of ways, I much rather be there than in Wisconsin with all the cold weather and all up here. I have friends up here that I will probably miss, but it is either Iowa or North Carolina for me. Have a safe journey through the desert on the "Horse With No Name". Ha Ha just kidding. Take good care.

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I'd love to help you. I've sent an email to that effect and hope to hear from you soon! Nothing but time on my hands.

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Hey Ross, enjoy the ride back home, and thx in advance for that video near xmas.


The subtitle issue is nice, but not really necessary imho. Great you decided to offload that so you can focus on the movies!

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