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Freeman's Mind - Episode 17

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Hey, I just finished my English subtitles for Freeman's Mind 17!



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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My suggestions:


7 - No, better not.

8 - Too bad the bodies landed on the other side of the door.

16 - This must be a windspeed of a hundred and fifty miles an hour.

26 - I mean, my God. I'm not even wearing air-resistant clothing.

50 - Actually, what I really want is a re-breather.

55 - Actually, if I had some ninja claws, I could scale the side of the boat...

81 - Man, between suing Black Mesa and being in a key field for a new job,


Good job, but my stickler for consistency is that "damnit" should be "dammit" and "OK" should be "okay" but that's how I type so you can change those if you wish. :)

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