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Many many games on Steam that I will probably not get around to playing for a good year or two off the damned sale, not that I'd give up any of them for anything... except twice their worth so I can just buy them again with the profit.

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Just started playing bf3 again, bought close quarters. So far I have to say that the expansions are kinda lazy... But no one forced me to buy it, so I cant really complain too much.


Edit: Also, EA doesnt listen to complains.

"Life sucks sober!"

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Metal Gear

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Substance

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Subsistence



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Recently purchased Binding of Isaac. It's an awesome game in short spurts when you hit a slump in one of your FPS games. It also doesn't infuriate you for some reason. When you die, you don't really explode violently screaming "I WAS THIS CLOSE TO KILLING MOM!" and throwing the computer at the wall. For some reason, it doesn't do that to me. So it's a nice game for cooling down.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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I was pro-PC my whole life, never owned a console... but suddently I got crazy a bought a PS3. I guess I really wanted to try out that Heavy Rain... and sis is happy about Naruto Ninja Storm.

When fortune is blind, be a guide-dog.

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I was pro-PC my whole life, never owned a console... but suddently I got crazy a bought a PS3. I guess I really wanted to try out that Heavy Rain... and sis is happy about Naruto Ninja Storm.


I'd recommend MGS4 but that's the kind of game you'd really need to play the other games in the series to understand.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I've just finished free online games called Binary Domain and despite a few minor niggles I absolutely loved it. When I say niggles they're those which come down to how picky a gamer the person playing it is. I'll get these out of the way first.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I was pro-PC my whole life, never owned a console... but suddently I got crazy a bought a PS3. I guess I really wanted to try out that Heavy Rain... and sis is happy about Naruto Ninja Storm.


I'd recommend MGS4 but that's the kind of game you'd really need to play the other games in the series to understand.


I was thinking about that already, but that is the thing, I never played a single Metal Gear Solid game. But I guess there are other alternatives.

When fortune is blind, be a guide-dog.

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I was pro-PC my whole life, never owned a console... but suddently I got crazy a bought a PS3. I guess I really wanted to try out that Heavy Rain... and sis is happy about Naruto Ninja Storm.


I'd recommend MGS4 but that's the kind of game you'd really need to play the other games in the series to understand.


I was thinking about that already, but that is the thing, I never played a single Metal Gear Solid game. But I guess there are other alternatives.


Eh, MGS4 was the first MGS game I ever played and, to me anyway, it makes no more sense after having played the three before it. The story still has problems even with knowledge of the other MGS plots, but you catch on to the references made to past games more easily. Plus, there's the MGS HD collection you can get if you want to play 2 and 3, the other is available as a PSN download, or you could find the PS1/PS2 version of it from the old MGS trilogy released many years back...


Anyway, you should also give the God of War, Infamous, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted games a chance. Those are the only PS3 exclusive games I bothered with when I was on my PS3 kick.

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