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  BTGbullseye said:
  scott155 said:
  BTGbullseye said:
Guns =/= computer parts.

Unless you're a terminator.

True, but we're talking about shipping...


I'm pretty sure he has a right to use Amazon like all humanoid android.

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Hey I just thought of something. I think I know why Freeman keeps getting hypnotized by stuff. See, I saw on Family Matters (back when I actually used to watch that show) Urkel about to go through some hypnosis thing, and he said that he was 'too smart' to fall under hypnosis, but the doctor doing the hypnosis said that the smarter you are, the easier it is to be influenced by hypnosis by...anything really. Now I'm not 100% on this fact in rl, but I'm gonna assume Freeman is pretty smart. (he has a PH.D so...)



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Just so people know, I haven't forgotten about the downloadable copy yet, I was just hoping to maybe release it as MKV or MP4 once I do more testing.

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  Ross Scott said:
Just so people know, I haven't forgotten about the downloadable copy yet, I was just hoping to maybe release it as MKV or MP4 once I do more testing.


Thanks for the update. My 'Freeman's Mind'-map has an empty spot which is bothering me : )

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  Ross Scott said:
Just so people know, I haven't forgotten about the downloadable copy yet, I was just hoping to maybe release it as MKV or MP4 once I do more testing.



Thanks Ross! My watching experience is different, as I only like to watch them when they come out as downloadable, so I haven't seen it yet. Don't ask me why I do it, It's just how I roll! ^-^

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Avoiding low-quality and buffering seem like valid reasons, but I can't wait that long to watch them!

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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  unknownfrost said:
I only like to watch them when they come out as downloadable


Same here. Moreover, I usually accumulate a number of FM episodes and other machinimas, then recode them to MPEG and put them on a nice DVD so that my kids and I could watch them on a proper screen.


  Ross Scott said:
maybe release it as MKV or MP4


That will be a sad day... In fact, I believe, the best container still is .AVI (especially for short clips where you don't need to worry about 2 or 4GB limitations and types) and XviD or DivX are powerful enough codecs to provide good quality at reasonable bitrates.



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  Vapymid said:
  Ross Scott said:
maybe release it as MKV or MP4


That will be a sad day... In fact, I believe, the best container still is .AVI (especially for short clips where you don't need to worry about 2 or 4GB limitations and types) and XviD or DivX are powerful enough codecs to provide good quality at reasonable bitrates.





Compare AVI to either of the other formats... Not anything to support your statement there really...


The only thing MKV doesn't have is DVD menu support.


MP4 has video/audio format restrictions, and minor subtitle problems.


AVI has many issues, including a lack of B-frame support which causes issues with H.264. (there is a noticeable difference of quality between H.264 and Xvid if you're someone that sees how LQ YouTube is)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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.AVI is the most supported container still. Lack of native support for B-frames is a non-issue as there are ways around it, which are transparent for users.


I am not trying to say that .MKV is technically bad or worse than .AVI - just another complication I could live without.


there is a noticeable difference of quality between H.264 and Xvid if you're someone that sees how LQ YouTube is


This I don't understand. Youtube DOES use h.264 (if you D/L in MP4 format) and High profile for 720p and larger pictures. But compare it to h.264 D/Ls from Vimeo - it's the encoding settings that matter most, not codec implementation (h.264, XviD, DivX are all varieties of MPEG4).



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Now, if Freeman thinks he can think of aliens that are better than Xen's, do you think he can create ones

that beat the Combine's Synths. (For anyone who doesn't go into Half-Life's background that much, a Synth

is an organic-machine hybrid. These are the Striders, Gunships, Hunters, etc. ) I mean, The Combine has creatures that are their weapons and vehicles. How do you beat that?

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This is a great episode, I love all of them. Its like a drug that i cant shake off. I watch it every day I quote the dialogue i speak in a freeman-esqe voice....I mean wow man Kudos to you a million times over Ross you are just so....great, keep up the good work man. Oh yeah before i forget i have a friend named Rachael on Deviant Art and she can really draw good, I can ask her if she would draw some things for you and dont worry (its free for me). Her name is RelicofthePast, it may take a day or two seeing as she has alot of commisions to do but anyway, keep it up and keep making us laugh.

This is the end of the line, and I'll rip you apart for what's inside.

Compensating wealth for what's more and more worthlessness.

The end of fear, the end of your life, I'll kill you right now, fucking die.

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Mp4 files are much better than AVI

Mp4 files offer much greater compression

they have qood quality

When i upload a video to youtube i always convert it too a mp4

i had a 2 GB video, and managed to get it down to 200mb as a mp4 with the same quality

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  Vapymid said:

That will be a sad day... In fact, I believe, the best container still is .AVI (especially for short clips where you don't need to worry about 2 or 4GB limitations and types) and XviD or DivX are powerful enough codecs to provide good quality at reasonable bitrates.



Well I'd say AVI has the most support for editing and while I'm still going to be using AVI on my end, it's not necessarily the best format for release. I mean look at the The Tunnel, that's 26 minutes long at 1280x720. While a lot of my videos won't be that long, having something that scales well I think is important. Also look at it this way: for the same size, I'll be pushing the videos out at higher quality if I use MKV or MP4, you can always convert them back to AVI and it will likely look better (and take up much more space) than if I did it straight to AVI.


  BTGbullseye said:
MP4 has video/audio format restrictions, and minor subtitle problems.)
Can you elaborate on this?

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