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New trading system

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So, as most of you know, there was an update today, and with that update now you can trade your TF2 items into games. So what is your opinion about it ? do you think its useless and its only because valve needs more money ? or do you think its a good thing, because most of the people have gift codes that they dont want to give away for free, so its a great opportunity for them to make some profit ? I personally like it for two things. First is that I, myself, have some unused game gift codes, but, i dont want to just give them away, I want to get something for them. Second reason is that you dont have to go into game to be able to trade TF2 items, and its really great thing for those who has shitty computer, and it takes ages to load up Team fortress 2, just to trade few items.

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What do you mean you can "trade items into games?"

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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What do you mean you can "trade items into games?"

You can trade TF2 items, into games. thats what i mean. Explained: If you have any tf2 items, you can trade them with your friends, right ? right. But with this new update, you can trade your tf2 items, into gift code that your friend can sell you. EVEN more explained. I have bills hat. you have orange box gift code. we trade. i get gift code which i can redeem, or sell, you get bills hat.

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English isn't your first language I'm guessing. You mean trade items for games.

no shit it isnt. i suck at english so bad that it even makes me wanna cry.

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It's a cool idea, but really, how often do you have spare games you want to trade for in-game items?


The big upside I could see to this is that you and your trading partner don't have to be online at the same time.

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It's a cool idea, but really, how often do you have spare games you want to trade for in-game items?

Fun fact: There are games that are cheapier than tf2 hats if you try to buy them in the mann.co store

Funnier fact: People actually expend money with tf2 hats

Funniest fact: If it means i can get more games, im about to get hatless because im sellin them all :lol:

The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


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