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Wow, BTG, if what you are saying is true then you should memorize the scale by sound. So everytime you think of "DO" "RE" "MI" You think of the sound it makes. If you do that, in theory you should easily reproduce the sounds by piano.


Have you tried that?


EDIT: Ah, damn you.... poster who posted before me but after BTG....


Yes you are right, but if you can remember single key melodies really easily (Which many people actually can't so you are wrong here) and if you remember the pitch of the scale then it should be easy to reproduce the sound. With chords you would have to remember the chords of the scale too and since remembering all of them is nearly impossible you would have to logically assume some second keys.


Also the truth is, each genre has that scale or two of notes it uses all the time which makes it even easier to reproduce the melodies.


The talent comes in with the factor how fast and how long you can memorize notes and whether you can differentiate between tone and note.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Mhmm. Come to I think of it, I do have a few talents (described by some as character flaws)


- I can positively and absolutely annoy the crap out of anyone. No exceptions. I don't care how rational or composed a person is, I can make he or she go absolutely apeshit and lunge at me with murderous intent, just a couple of minutes into a conversation, without resorting to any kind of explicitly annoying or incorrect behavior.


- I can make people laugh. Until they are in tears and gasping for air. Just by being goofy old me (I guess that's a good counterbalance to the fact that I can also annoy the crap out of them).


- I have a very wild sense of irony, but can keep a straight face while at the same time being completely and utterly ironic. People who know me personally usually pick up on it and get a kick out of it, but even they sometimes are at a loss whether I'm being serious or not (as probably the reader is right now). This girl a few years ago was so confused, I actually made a couple of little signs that said "Serious" and "Joking", and lifted them as we talked. She liked them so much, she ended up asking me to make a set for her (she was fired about six months later... I don't think it was related to the signs tough).


- People tend to trust me for some reason. It just takes a little interaction and they open up. I guess I'm the trustworthy type. Also, I seem to have a baby face, as it was pointed out to me in the RL Picture Thread. Guess that helps people lower their natural defenses. It can get very awkward for me.


- The latter seems to work very well with certain women: even if they were initially annoyed by me, they end up really liking me. I've had a few instances here at the office (and also back in college), which would have probably ended up in torrid affairs had I actively pursued them. The thing that strikes me the most is the fact that a majority of these women are married...


I think that's it. I don't have superhuman reflexes or the ability to fly (yet), but should any noteworthy developments arise, I'll be sure to post them here.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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@ blightmare and Doom Shepherd - I'm guessing you both have Absolute Pitch, you lucky people.


Not as its defined there, I don't think so. Or maybe, but only a very limited version.


I can't identify notes by ear, my singing sounds like a cat being molested. But when I was in the band in school, I could learn a tune (on the instrument I play) about as fast by listening to it being played as most other kids who played my instrument could by reading the music. (We'd all have to practice over and over again before we got it perfect, though.)


I have a couple other "talents" of a sort...


[*]I have never given a backrub to a woman, and then not slept with her shortly thereafter.

[*]People seem compelled to tell me their life stories. Especially when I am not interested.

[*]I can do voices. Many people have told me I should try to be a cartoon voice actor. (Used to great effect back when I was a children's librarian.)

[*]I'm authoritative. The story goes, "If you don't know, ask [Doom Shepherd]. He either knows, will know a moment after you ask him, or will make up something convincing enough that you and your boss will both accept it."

[*]I can turn myself invisible. Or more accurately, unnoticeable. (It's really just a matter of looking like you know where you're going, - especially if you also look like you're busy/in a hurry - and carrying the right accessory. Anyone can do it.)

[*]I can read most people's handwriting, even doctors'.

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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I'm actually damn good at Richard Burns Rally and mapping with Source. Another thing is that a lot of people that I talk to say I should do some sort of announcing or voice acting because I have a really nice voice.

As for most other things, I tend to be able to learn skills very, very quickly.

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