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good work with this one, and sorry about the delay in the next CP.

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Gordon needs a grappling hook in Episode 3

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Excellent series Ross, I think one of the reasons people like this so much (apart from you doing a very good job with it) is that many of us has played HL since the time when it came out in '98 or '99 (can't remember exactly) - So for me for instance, it's a part of my childhood (I'm 23). It gives the HL series a whole new dimension, seriously. I remember how good of a game it was back then. Freeman's Mind is refreshing and it really does Half-Life and Freeman justice .. I will definetly be watching your show until you've pushed it as far as you possibly can! Hopefully thats to the end of HL2, but I can really understand if that doesn't happen since it is a lot of work I am sure. Many regards - Hardts (Denmark)

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Ross, Excuse my Ignorence but is there any way you can Compromise with Machinima to make Civil Protection a Bigger priority? After all I am sure alot more people find it much more Entertaining than Freemans mind. (Not that i am not a big Fan of FM) Or do they not work that way? If you are already trying to make that compromise, I am Terribly Sorry for wasting your Valuable time.

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Man, you have been working like a simile.


Have a beer on me (This would be the part IRL where I would give you 5 bucks)

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I think your doing a great job at machinima. But seriously Scott, don't overwork yourself. I'm really looking forward to the next CP and ofcourse upcoming freemen's Minds, but not if it comes at your expense! But you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

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You rock Ross! Thanks for the new episode. Looking forward to your next release.


P.S. Hope the recording and PC situations are solved by now

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Brilliant, as always. Thanks so much for all your hard work! )

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lol i like freemans mind better than civil protection anyways so thanks!!!

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Awesome. Sucks about Machinima though. I hope they realize how hard you're working and how much you deserve to choose what to work on. As much as I like FM, it can wait as long as you're happy with your job.

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Ross, I commend your work on Freeman's Mind, and will watch this series to the very last episode. I sure hope you can cover HL2 and its episodes as well. This is something I look forward to. Keep it up!

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That was a great episode, Ross. Well done. Crazy-o-meter. Lol.


Just from what you typed in the description I'm getting that you're under a lot of stress. Ross, we're your fans, you've always been good to us and we're behind you.


Stoopid machinima! Squelching creativity- who do they think they are??


Oh....oh they're paying your bills? Oh..well then uh... all hail machinima.


Take care!


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What an assholes. I _hate_ when people do "widescreen" by cropping off half of the image - resolution still is no wider, but shorter at heigh !

you (not you, a "vievwer") could do a same thing with any software or hardware player and not fucking up people with 4:35:4 monitors or TVs.


It's like not enough of their WMV-only videos, now we supposed to throw away our $1k 5:4 IPS-matrix monitors, because they splashing 672 x 384 not ugly enough *crying*

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Is part of the reason that they want to make Freeman's mind the priority because its popular, you can crank em out quicker, and they don't want to deal with the issues that come with scripted-animation heavy shows like CP?


I am just trying ot understand why Freeman's Mind is seems to have the priority. It seems like they would want the your best work to be the priority instead of the filler show meant to hold us over through the intermission. That's not to say I am complaining, I like all of your work. But anyway, I digress....


Another great episode Ross! Gave a whole new meaning to getting the wind knocked out of you.

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Dang, you're working tough, no doubt, but we still love you and your stuff and nobody cares if it gets out in time for Halloween or not, except maybe yourself, but then you shouldn't because we're patient enough.


Keep pressing on, but not too hard. We're very lucky to have you busting your hours for this episode. Best of luck in the making process!

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Awesome job so far! Love both of your series...and if it makes you feel better, your true fans will wait forever! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! ^-^

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As you said once ross...Episodes will keep coming up...Some will be better that others...


I loved the episode....But the pressure its starting to affect you..:


Take Care Ross.Talk with your superiors.This can't be like this forever

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672x384 WMV (71MB)



Here's the new Freeman's Mind episode. This is the first one in widescreen format at it was requested by Machinima.com that I film it this way. I originally gave it a 4x3 aspect ratio to accommodate Youtube and since that changed on me, it's not a big deal to switch over to a widescreen ratio. Ironically since all my Civil Protection videos are in widescreen, my early episodes were hard-encoded to be letterboxed in a 4x3 ratio for Youtube by Machinima.com. It feels like I can't win sometimes.


Speaking of which, I'm afraid this episode comes at a cost. Between making three Freeman's Mind episodes this month and other side projects I've had to work on, I really don't think the next Civil Protection episode is going to come out before Halloween. If it was up to me, I would have put FM on hold and made sure the next episode of CP came out in time, but Machinima.com has its own priorities. This does disappoint me, but for what it's worth, this won't be strictly a Halloween episode, just a scary one. So while the timing would have been better for this month, it should still be enjoyable for November. Also to be clear, this rate of Freeman's Mind is perfectly sustainable, it's this and other things on top of Civil Protection which is causing the overload.


This delay is not due to lack of effort on my part. I've been working about 75 hours a week the past couple weeks where I was trying to get this done on time, but I can only create the episode so fast. I haven't been doing much besides working, exercising, and sleeping. To put it in perspective, I've been told that Machinima.com has only done one show in-house that uses scripted animation like CP and for that they were funded, hired lots of outside help, had a team of 6 internal animators working overtime and even then just barely got it completed in time. I don't have a paid team helping me, just volunteers the same as previous episodes (though I'm not discounting their efforts), so I still have to fill in every missing role that I can. Factor in that this will likely be the longest episode of CP so far and it's becoming a pretty big strain on me. I'm going a little batty with these hours actually, but I'll be happy once the episode is done.


Also I fixed most of the broken download links Machinima.com keeps deleting randomly, I'll get more done when I get a chance.

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anonymous guy: Yeah it's already been discussed that they consider FM the priority. I have some contingency plans though.


V: Well I didn't crop the image, It was recorded with the correct FOV.


Anonymous: Yeah Machinima's bread and butter seems to be just fast turnaround stuff, though if that's all they wanted me producing I'm not sure I would have accepted.

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