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  3. Played it. Got bored very quickly. I liked Bomber Crew better
  4. This game manages to create slow-burn horror by keeping you busy with life sim tasks while the spookies sneak up on you.
  5. I was having fun with it for several dozen hours but towards the middle I dropped it: at a certain point upgrading just takes too much time.
  6. Elon Musk's vision for America: (which I suppose is still more rosy than Donald Trump's vision for Europe, but uh yeah this man is not your friend)
  7. On behalf of translator Kirmaster. Translated title: Europeanen kunnen gaming redden - IK MEEN HET! Description: Europeanen kunnen videogames redden van de vernietiging! Het Europese Burger Initiatief is net begonnen en is de grootste en meest ambitieuze kans om nieuwe wetten te maken zodat uitgevers niet meer spellen mogen vernietigen die ze je al verkocht hebben. Zorg ervoor dat EU burgers hem tekenen! https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci #StopKillingGames ECI_dutch.srt
  8. Perhaps in Episode 20, at 3:00 where he jumps into the water? Or Episode 27 at about 3:10 when he first fires the SMG grenade?
  9. update: thanks to collective efforts in the discord (https://discord.gg/tHB3nzn2) there's now a piece of code in go (https://github.com/depy/RevenantRE) that can produce this: Cave/cavbones1.i2d Misc/dragonent.i2d Forest/forbirch001.i2d KeepInt/KInRug.I2D Now the plan is to start placing the images onto maps using map data
  10. Earlier
  11. It doesn't. It has less of an open world than Dark Souls. There are classic levels, they are rather long and you can return to them, but they are seperate levels with no connection between them. Apart from that, it's an interesting game with a fresh setting. It's competently made, the graphics are good. But... it's not really good. Thin story, kind of bland in general. They tried to make the settings rather realistic, which means you are mainly walking through similar streets most of the time. This isn't helped by the fact that many assets for buildings are re-used several times in each levels. I got lost all the time. It's also suprisingly easy. You get a freeze gun early on and it works on almost every boss. You also have a wide variety of weapons to make the game more difficult for you - or only use the chain weapons, that keep you out of reach of many enemies.
  12. It's not an old school fps. It's more akin to shooters of the late 2010s - dashing, no quick saving, special abilities. I didn't like it.
  13. The first one is better, especially atmosphere-wise.
  14. Not bad, but in the end it's just another retro shooter.
  15. I might play this for the architecture alone. Maybe on discount.
  16. It's a generic boomer shooter. They tried an interesting idea, but ultimately it's all surface level (purely cosmetic), the core game loop is just another generic boomer shooter.
  17. Very good series. Creepy as Hell. It's a series of Creepypasta stories brought to life. Each story has a decent build up before the creepy stuff starts happening as well. Item use can get a little wonky, but is fortunately limited.
  18. The environments are stunning, and the world is truly alien. Game play is just mediocre, and while there is a story, good luck trying to decipher whatever the hell is going on as you play it. I ended up buying the art book since I loved how grotesque and beautiful the art direction was.
  19. I loved this game. It absolutely oozes atmosphere, and that kept me hooked longer than the game play loop did. Even though most of the maps are procedurally generated, they still manage to look gorgeous. Driving along a cliff side overlooking a valley during sunset looks stunning, and driving through an abandoned town during sunrise can be hauntingly beautiful. The game can also be quite creepy when you're traveling through the forest at night time with pouring rain, and some sort of anomaly stalking you just outside of your light's reach, only being illuminated when lightning strikes. While you're driving you also can turn on your car's radio - though sometimes you might pick up something you'd rather not hear, it's really great stuff. The story is just ok, game play is serviceable and can be addictive for a little while, but the atmosphere is second to none.
  20. I'll counter the other comment here by saying I really enjoyed this game a lot. If you're going AFK simply to wait for the meters to go up, then I hate to say it, but you're playing it wrong. There are multiple tools available to speed up production of Oxygen, pressure, and the other gauges. Not to mention there are a lot of hidden locations throughout the maps that you need to go out of your way to explore for, though I suppose all of it is optional. Watching the planet terraform slowly over the hours is a real treat too.
  21. It's an interesting liminal space horror game. Play in a dark room, wear headphones, and get immersed in the world as you wander around aimlessly. Can be effective, but I have to be in the right mood to play it.
  22. Wouldn't exactly call this a horror game. It's a very novel concept though, and can be fun to play at times. Talking to the Cryptmaster can be a lot of fun, I found myself just typing random nonsense to see how he reacts to everything.
  23. Really funny how fitting this is, considering Terminator: Genisys and Homeworld 3, the next movie/game in each series were both very negatively received.
  24. Only tried this game due to this list. Very, very, very short game, but it's a really fun puzzle/platformer for those 20~ minutes. Would love this concept expanded into a full game with multiple levels, and maybe additional mechanics and hazards, but for 3 bucks I can't really complain.
  25. Here's the February videochat. There are a few updates on SKG at the beginning, after that it's the usual rambling. There was an evaluation of which game characters I would be able to fight. Focus will be on Game Dungeon for the near future. This is a blog post. To read the original post, please click here »
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