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  1. Yesterday
  2. Translator Relvean has provided German subtitles for the Stop Killing Games: Discord Launch video! Good thing too, now we're getting the languages on the video that really need it, seeing the multiple languages available in the server. Title: Stop Killing Games jetzt auf Discord Description: Die ‘Stop Killing Games’ Kampagne hat jetzt ihren eigenen, öffentlich zugänglichen Discord-Server! Dieser hilft euch hoffentlich bei der Koordinierung zukünftiger Aktionen, aber ihr entscheidet letztendlich, was ihr damit tun wollt. Link zum Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/gGAwxgarzZ https://stopkillinggames.com/ Stop Killing Games Discord Launch_de.srt
  3. On behalf of translators soup, KVELLER, and MarcosVLl2. Finally we can bring some Spanish speakers into the Discord! (It is peninsular Spanish if you were wondering. Like English, it's best to keep it simple and label it only as Spanish to cast the widest net possible. We can provide Latin American Spanish subtitles later if really necessary, but native Spaniards are the higher priority). Title: Stop Killing Games: Lanzamiento de Discord Description: ¡El movimiento Stop Killing Games ahora tiene un Discord oficial abierto al público! Esto debería servir para coordinar acciones futuras, pero también dependerá de lo que quieran los usuarios hacer con él. Aquí está el enlace al Discord: https://discord.com/invite/gGAwxgarzZ https://stopkillinggames.com SKG_discordLaunch_CasEUspanish.srt
  4. With Croatian subtitles are already available, translator DaPickle has provided the translated title and description to make the ECI launch video completely all-inclusive for the country. Title: Europljani mogu spasiti gaming! (Ozbiljan sam) Description: Europljani mogu spasiti videoigre od trajnog uništenja! Europska građanska inicijativa je upravo pokrenuta i predstavlja nam najveću i najambiciozniju priliku da stvorimo novi zakon, kojim bi spriječilli izdavačima uništavanje igara koje su vam već prodali. Informirajte sve građane Europske unije koje poznate i zamolite ih da potpišu inicijativu! Na sljedećoj poveznici možete potpisati inicijativu: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/ Upute za potpisivanje EU inicijative možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci
  5. The Yakuza/Like A Dragon (LAD) series has a criminally underrated soundtrack. The games are finally mainstream enough to get an English dub, but I feel like they're still pretty niche compared to other games. The soap-opera tier dramatic plot juxtaposed with the zany side content and over-the-top gameplay* is an experience you don't quite get from any other franchise. *Yakuza Dead Souls is a 3rd Person shooter. Yakuza LAD and LAD Infinite Wealth are turn-based RPGs. Other than those exceptions they're third person brawlers. The games have several composers but Chihiro Aoki is the best one overall, IMO. No disrespect intended toward the other fantastic composers, of course. Most of them are instrumental tracks since they're usually BGM for fighting or boss themes, some also have background vocals but they aren't the main focus. Shoutout to SnowiestAngeman for making composer-specific playlists like these: Chihiro Aoki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DIpJ77nRYA&list=PLN58ITKbq8wAnoPktqKwVZVUImQMrrlxM Hyd Lunch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzMHwWkEU9g&list=PLN58ITKbq8wDRV8DKGzxGnZHW_EQhD6F7 Hidenori Shoji: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nRGasGuAhM&list=PLN58ITKbq8wDbjMFYDeQEWCtzcnrOTjOt Yuri Fukuda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tngjDA9Yeek&list=PLN58ITKbq8wDq3nwGqoaaVJixTYbpLqku Most, if not all of the game OSTs are also on Spotify, if that's more convenient: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7HKUkWNhAraux7lGWYWgXZ Not sure if these games are on Ross' radar or not, but if I had to choose a "top 5" of the franchise it would be (in no particular order): Yakuza 0 Yakuza Kiwami 2 Like a Dragon: Ishin Like a Dragon: Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name Lost Judgment
  6. Been watching some of Ross' older videos and ran into the birthday video. So here's my one good MMO story from ye olde 2008 or 2009 When I was younger (10 or so), I got into the world of MMOs with Runescape. My parents were fortunately to pay for the $5.00/month subscription (RIP) as long as I kept my grades up in school and did my chores. Thinking back on it that was probably a hell of a good deal for them, lol. But this isn't a Runescape story, since a lot of my friends bailed on the game after a couple years. I lost interest since the social aspect was generally why I played those games. So I figured I'd try to find something F2P instead of doing the song and dance of trying to convince my parents to pay for random P2P MMOs I found. Surely there had to be something. Couldn't tell you how many copy-paste mostly eastern MMOs I played when I was younger trying to find one that fit, but I eventually landed on Rubies of Eventide thanks to a 'top 10 free online games' article. I spent a lot of time just wandering the first area and town hub area, gawking at high level players milling around. Eventually I worked up the nerve to ask one of them how he got his armor, since I thought it looked cool and I wanted it for my character. After I badgered him a bit with follow-up questions, he ended up inviting me to his guild 'Cool Kids Club.' It was a small guild (<50 people). The leader amicably broke off from another group to make their own guild after some vague drama they'd never elaborate on. I wish I remembered their names but it's been over a decade. Wholesome story so far, right? Well, it only goes downhill from here. There was a rivalry between two of the founding members. For the sake of reference I'll call them Person1 and Person2. Apparently they had known one another outside of the game and grew up together, but some incident drove a wedge between them. Late at night (when the guild officers were asleep) they'd be at eachother's throats about some minor incident that had happened in a dungeon or something. Any spark could set them off and derail whatever was happening in the guild chat, and even the small events they would host. The guild leader thought it was funny so he never banned them outright. It was amusing to watch most of the time but I learned a lot of swears and slurs a 10 year old shouldn't have known. This feud ended up fracturing the guild to the point where 'Cooler Kids Club' guild was formed by Person2 out of spite. They would make alts and harrass members of CKC, myself included. From this point I only have the decade-old memories of second-hand accounts of others in the guild. Person1 ended up deleting all of their characters and quitting the game, because Person2 found out Person1's irl address and started sending them weird notes in the mail. They both lived in the United States and were a ~2 hour drive from one another, according to a friend of Person1. Many guild members assumed it was a catfish, since Person1 would often talk about their naughty encounters with internet hookups. This is why you shouldn't let kids have unfiltered access to the internet, among other reasons. It all came to a head when Person1 had a brick fly through their window, or someone randomly banging at the door at night on multiple occasions. Then the police got involved and Person1 stopped talking about it with the few people they did stay in contact with. I recounted some of this to my dad at the time, since we'd always talk about the games we were playing, and that was when I got the lecture of not giving away personal information on the internet. Fortunately I hadn't told them anything personal beyond the fact that I had a dog, but it definitely spooked me enough to quit the game. Fun stuff.
  7. Last week
  8. Is there a place to watch or download the full, unedited video chat?
  9. okay, ross responded to this idea, saying he's not interested in recycling content this way (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbNZ4LhxVHg&t=11184s). but, in case anyone among viewers wants to have a giant single movie file with all FM1 episodes stitched together, here's some scripts i used. i assume you have a folder with videos downloaded using `yt-dlp`, that looks like this: ``` user@pc /home/user/Videos/YouTube/accursedfarms/FreemansMind/1 > ls 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 0 [gzY_Sjg7qgg].webm'* 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 10.5 [VqqJ6euyHoY].webm'* 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 10 [GTt6SoonzpY].webm'* 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 11 [HiBh99OANs4].webm'* 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 12 [8alyPGvqhoE].webm'* 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 13 [BO686RdEthk].webm'* 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 14 [kVmvVKRY290].webm'* 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 15 [choM0W2tc78].webm'* 'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 1 [5SQhfkpX9bc].webm'* ... ``` and so on. in such folder you can run this python script (https://pastebin.com/eZncNaW6) to get info from sponsorblock api and cut each episode, removing things like into, credits etc. the script will create a sponsorblocked subdir that would contain all FM episodes, trimmed. to stitch them together, go into sponsorblocked dir and use this bash script https://pastebin.com/z6sgKn0m after all this you'll end up with a single output.webm file about 9 hours long. congratulations!
  10. On behalf of translator and ECI organizer, Konecsin Zoltán Károly. Title: "Mentsük meg a videójátékokat: Discord szerver" Description: A Mentsük meg a videójátékokat kampánynak megnyílt a nyílvános Discord szervere! Ezzel remélhetőleg jövőbeni akciókat tudunk majd szervezni, de persze a felhasználókon múlik milyen irányba viszik. https://discord.com/invite/gGAwxgarzZ https://stopkillinggames.com SKG_DiscordLaunch_HU.srt
  11. On behalf of the same translator who captioned the full version! Title: "Европейцы могут спасти игры (краткая версия)" Description: Небольшая реклама для Европейской гражданской инициативы! Если она пройдёт, то приведёт к появлению нового закона, запрещающего издателям уничтожать игры, которые они уже продали вам. Зовите граждан ЕС подписать! Ссылка на инициативу: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public Гайд о том, как правильно подписать инициативу: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci ECIshort_ru_polished.srt
  12. video_2025-01-20_22-31-47.mp4
  13. Thank you Daniel! Czech title came in: "Evropané mají šanci zachránit videohry!"
  14. These are done! Spanish already had a title so I left it alone. Only Croatian and Czech are missing, unless more languages come down the pike. Thanks!
  15. Portuguese - "Os europeus podem salvar os videojogos! (A sério!)"
  16. Here's the January videochat. There was a short recap on some SKG news, the rest of it was the usual rambling. Some of the topics were games to live in, VR, PirateSoftware drama, and Dead Hand. I semi-lost my voice at one point, but it came back. This is a blog post. To read the original post, please click here »
  17. Here's the January videochat. There was a short recap on some SKG news, the rest of it was the usual rambling. Some of the topics were games to live in, VR, PirateSoftware drama, and Dead Hand. I semi-lost my voice at one point, but it came back.
  18. As Hungarian subtitles are already on the video, translator Zolanius has provided the translated title and description to make it completely all-inclusive for the country. Title: Az Európaiak megmenthetik a játékipart! (komolyan) Description: Az Európaiak megmenthetik a videójátékokat a pusztulástól! Elindúlt az Európai Polgári Kezdeményezés, ami legnagyobb és legambiciózusabb lehetőséget kínálja egy olyan új törvény meghozatalára, ami meggátolná a videójáték kiadókat az általuk már eladott játékok elpusztításában. Keress EU polgárokat akik aláírhatják! Link az EU kezdeményezés aláírására: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/ Útmutatók az EU kezdeményezés aláírásához: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci
  19. Now that Ross opened the door for title translations, I am retroactively getting title translations from verified speaking volunteers (when subtitles in that language are available, of course). For "Europeans can save gaming!" the following translations are: French - "Les Européens peuvent sauver les jeux vidéo ! (Vraiment)" Spanish - "¡Los europeos pueden salvar los videojuegos!" German - "Europa rettet Videospiele! Und Du?" Italian - "Gli europei possono salvare i videogiochi! (davvero)" Polish - "Europejczycy mogą uratować gry komputerowe! (Naprawdę!)" More on the way!
  20. Thanks for putting up the volunteer subtitles and translations, Daniel. I have more! On behalf of a translator who I can't pronounce who goes by Look What the Cat Dragged In, I have volunteer Russian subtitles. Obviously Russians can't sign it but it's for Russian speaking countries inside the EU. Annotation about country threshold included, no higher than 3 lines. The translated title is "Европейцы могут спасти игры (я серьёзно!)" EcI_RussianPolished.srt
  21. This is done, except for the title for "Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games!" YouTube is complaining that it's more than 100 characters long. Is there a way to shorten it?
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